Forum Discussion

Alf0295's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

WiFi connectivity.

I have been through all the procedures, testing, resets and restarts both by the ConnectApp, and by the Call Centre! We have also had an engineer out to check. All he did was to say i had an issue with speed being too high, reduced the speed and left! All WiFi connectivity to all devises is 'poor' their words not mine. On the Hubs speed test performance is: Down is at; 274, Up is at; 26. I know great eh, however, Latency is at ;13,985 ms and the Jitter is at ;156ms, packet loss is 0%. Trying to watch anything on my phone and or tablet  (wifes and daughters included) like YouTube, Netflix etc, etc as impossible with the constant buffering!!! Do I need a new hub or do i just go to another supplier as this has been going on for weeks? Thank you.

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Lets see a full data set - can you do this...


    In your browser’s URL type in if in router mode or if in modem mode. No need to log in - just click on the “Router Status” icon/text at bottom-middle (Hub3/4/5) or top/right (SH’s) - of the Login page.
    Then… Navigate to these “data pages” and just copy/paste the normal “Formatted Text” (not images) 3 FULL sets of data onto here – 2 tables from the Downstream, 2 from the Upstream, & the Network Logs pages. Don't worry too much about the formatting it can be easily read & DON’T include personal data or MAC addresses - blank them out - if you copy/paste the data, the board software will do this for you (you may need to click the "submit" button again). If character limits are “exceeded” - just do two posts

    Also, If you haven’t already, set up a free, secure and “offlsite” - “Broadband Quality Monitor” to continually monitor the state of your connection and record any true network dropouts , latency issues, packet drops, etc - it will thus allow you to differentiate between those and simple wifi dropouts. It does it 24/7/365 and it keeps a visual record of any/all of your network disconnections, useful data to have to match to the Network logs (in your Hub settings) and also in discussions with VM - note it will take a few hours to start seeing a sensible picture - post up the “link” to the “share live graph”. Click the lower link (Share Live Graph) then, click generate. Copy the text in the Direct Link box, beware, there may be more text than you can see. On here click the Link icon (2 links chain to the left of the camera icon) In the URL box paste the link you copied and then click OK

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Latency is at ;13,985 ms and the Jitter is at ;156ms.

    Given the 0% packet loss ( normal)  I am suspecting the VM Connect app is still over reporting latency by 1000x and over reporting Jitter by about 250x to 300x. A very long standing fault that has made many a customer very paranoid.

  • Hi Alf0295 

    Welcome to the community forums 

    Sorry to hear that you're having issues with your WiFi at this time. 

    I've checked the systems at our side and cannot see any issues in the area or with your service that might be causing WiFi performance issues at our side. The hub's specs look great and their is no flag for any coverage or WiFi quality concerns that we can see. 

    Do you have any issues with devices that are connect directly into the router at all? Any issues with streaming on TV or devices other than mobile devices? 

    Ensure that your streaming apps and the devices they're watched on are all up to date and are not performing any high usages actions in the background at the same time. 

  • Hello Carley. I have done all the guidance things and I am still having issues. Buffering on all devices e.g., mobile phones, my pad, some on the TV and my xbox. When I or my daughter or my wife leave the house our connectivity increases and the issues go away! I will say that being a Vigin Media enduser with some previous problems, it was suggested there might be a problem with my devise so, I upgraded to this new phone. Have a guess what, the issue persisted. I complained and subsequently upgrade to this new modem. Have a guess what, I'm  still having problems ( to be fair they have lessend to an extent), and it getting to me to be fair. All this money and elongated contracts for a system that i am unhappy with. I have taken picture (snap shots) just to show anyone who might be interested, but there is now way to share these.  I am not technically gifted so find all this somewhat difficult and, where are we? I have followed all to guidance given on the app, I am aware that you find nothing wrong at your end! So where does that leave me? Grateful for any help. Regards Derek 

    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Alf0295 

      It has been some time since we last spoke, so sorry to hear that you're still experiencing issues with your WiFi still. 

      I've checked the systems again as it's been some time since we last looked and still aren't able to see any issues with the Hub itself or your connectivity. 

      Are you able to set up and provide a live link to a broadband quality monitor as advised by jbrennand who responded to you first with steps to try? With this, we'll be able to see if there are any issues affecting the service that aren't showing when we run the checks, such as intermittent issues and patterns. 

      We also recommend running speed tests through Sam Knows as this will tell you the speeds at the router and the speeds to the device whether it's connected directly through ethernet or via WiFi and we can use this to see what other support we can offer. 

      • Alf0295's avatar
        Joining in

        Hello Carley. Sorry I do not have a computer or any ancillaries, monitor etc. To be fair I must thank jbrennand for the information on his page, but I actually didn't understand any of what he was saying,  sorry jbrennand, I'm sure you have helped many. The analogy i give is that someone plugs a reader thingy under the dashboard of my car, shows me the error codes, and then expects me to understand, interpret them and then fix the car!!! I have done speed tests. Sometime they are amazing, other times as i have previously said, they time me out stating. "Ooops something went wrong", or " you're not connected". Sorry I'm stuck!?