Forum Discussion

Malik-2's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

WiFi pods “Fair connection”

Has anyone lately experienced the issue on the WiFi pods (all 3) stating “Fair connection”?

Up until 2 days ago the pods used to show “Great”

pods are placed sensibly and the speed tests show the top speeds. 

called VM who run tests and say everything is good their end. They just give you the generic “reset hub, plug pods out and in and place them somewhere else” (that’s all been done even prior to calling them. 

I am beginning to think it’s not actually the pods but the dreaded Connect App itself. 

I’m brand new to this community but have been scrolling through and found this issue was reported in 2023 by a poster but no real resolution was ever given. 
thoughts and advice please! 

  • Malik-2 Not sure about point 1 but for point 2 about a month ago the email address that forum notifications come from changed and is currently being treated as spam by a number of esps including Gmail.  If you check your spam folder on the email address that you use for this forum you may find the notifications.

    This issue has been with the forum platform operator Khoros for a fix for several weeks.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Are you experiencing any actual issues/problems with connectivity when using the pods or are you just concerned the app is only reporting a 'fair' connection?

    • Malik-2's avatar
      Tuning in

      I think you’ve hit the nail mate… There is no loss of connection (not as far as I can tell) but the “fair” thing has been bugging me lol. 

  • Same with my pod, I’ve only noticed today and it’s also bugging me 

    • Malik-2's avatar
      Tuning in

      It’s strange indeed. After logging it again from VM, they did assure me that everything from their side is fine…

      one did the agent did say (he sounded confident enough) he said look at it this way, when you have a mobile phone network sometimes you get full bars and you can make a call smoothly and sometimes you get only 2 or 3 bars but can still make a smooth call. It did make sense (as I’ve no connection issues) 

      I think we may be so used to seeing “great” that when we see “fair” we come in hubs blazing.

      it does however still bug folk as to why. 

  • I wonder without it being turned off and on again, could it go back to being “great” itself? That is the question now…

    • Malik-2's avatar
      Tuning in

      There may be a possibility it picks up again. But that’s assuming that the actual WiFi strength isn’t the issue and it be just be the connect app. From experience rebooting the pods doesn’t make any difference 

      • Graham_A's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        I've also noticed this 'fair' rather than 'good' status since the recent app update.

        I will flag it to the VM Forum Team to see if they can investigate.