Forum Discussion
- goslowAlessandro Volta
Yes, unfortunately the cost falls on you if you want a dropped kerb.
You pay VM £240 for a survey and they then produce a quote for the work. Based on past topics you may be quoted a 3, 4 or 5 figure sum. Looking at the photo, I doubt it will be 3 figures.
- Ed111Tuning in
Thanks for your reply
- jpeg1Alessandro Volta
If the surface only has to be dropped an inch or two, it may be that they can just replace the cover at a lower level. But if the whole thing has to be lowered or moved somewhere else it's going to be a costly operation.
You'll only know by asking for the quotation.
- Ed111Tuning in
thanks for the reply
- carl_pearceCommunity elder
Why wouldn't you have to pay for 'all this cost'?
You want a dropped kerb.
VM have their cabling in a suitable, pre approved location.
- Ed111Tuning in
thanks for the reply. council just wanted to lower the cover. I dont understand why virgin media is asking for this procedure
- SephirothAlessandro Volta
What's stopping you from just dropping the kerb and having nothing to do with VM?
- IPFreelyFibre optic
The pavement will be lowered to provide a ramp to the dropped kerb. The council can't leave the chamber poking out of the pavement and can't leave the chamber at the wrong depth in terms of pavement cover.
- Roger_GoonerAlessandro Volta
Every council will only issue a permit for a dropped kerb if a communications provider is willing to move or strengthen its equipment (like a pole, cabinet, pavement cover or Tee). Note that VM is under no obligation to do anything as this isn't a health or safety issue. The £240 is non-refundable, BTW.
- Ed111Tuning in
Such a Disgrace and disgusting Virgin Media. Asking me 13700£ to move their cable box which is obstructing my driveway. How can they charge me such a amount. I have a hard copy of receipt which they send me of amlunt of 13700£ to move a cable box.
If any Virgin media employee and reading this lost shame on you for working for this disgusting company which is rip off.
Virgin media has no plans where they constructed this box in the middle of my driveway and whdn i ask them they charge me 240£ dor a survey and they send me a C4 estimate of 13700£.
If this post is read by top office of Virgin media U. K and if you think that you are proud working for this company. Try to reply or contact me to discuss why you are charging this amount when you planning department failed to use common sense to place the box in right place.
- legacy1Alessandro Volta
It might be their was a wall where the box is and now no wall?
- Roger_GoonerAlessandro Volta
Relocation of a footway box whilst maintaining services is a complicated job which might also require traffic management. The cost will always run into thousands, only question is how many thousands.
- japittsVery Insightful Person
Ed111 wrote:Virgin media has no plans where they constructed this box in the middle of my driveway
Part of the legal definition of "driveway" includes a dropped kerb providing access. If there's no dropped kerb in a particular spot, it may be covering a paved garden but not a driveway.
It would be interesting to see a Google Street View history of the front of your home, over time.
- RetiredATCODialled in
Looks like it's in the footpath and not on your land, if so it would have been approved by the council.
You can't blame VM, they put it in the correct place as the wasn't a dropped kerb there at the time.I'd bet a pound or two that it is you that has modified the land in front of your home.
You'll have to suck up the cost if you want that dropped kerb and an official driveway
If you are accessing the parking outside your home by (illegally?) driving up a kerb and over the footpath, continue to do so and home nobody bothers you.
- jpeg1Alessandro Volta
Consider the cost an investment.
It sounds a lot of money now, but it will likely put far more than £13k on the value of your house when you come to sell, to have legal off-road parking.
- TudorVery Insightful Person
The box may not need moving. Perhaps just a reinforced cover so a car can drive over it.
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