When is virgin media coming to Newton Aycliffe
Hi I was just wondering when is virgin media coming to Newton Aycliffe I see virgin media is around the surrounding areas and existing cables are actually going through Aycliffe however the broadband itself is not.
I also checked with your partner - https://www.nexfibre.co.uk/progress-update/ and on here it says Aycliffe is apart of the 2024 build which is great news was just wondering if you have a time estimate for these plans to begin?
Any information is appreciated:)
Hi CallumHD,
Thanks for your patience whilst I waited for the lightning teams to come back to me on this one.
They have confirmed that as of yet, there are no plans in place to install your address I'm afraid.
I know this isn't the news you'd be hoping for however make sure you register your address with us here, if you haven't already. Once registered the team can get some plans on the go to come to your area 🙂
Take care and apologies once again.