Forum Discussion

WH94's avatar
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6 months ago

VM Hub / Ubiquiti Router

I've purchased a ubiquiti cloud gateway max and access points to use with my VM Hub 3.0 in modem mode. 

Connection is VM Hub 3.0 -> cloud gateway max -> switch -> access point. 

I can connect to access points and use the internet, however my cloud gateway max is showing an incorrect date and can't update the latest firmware or enable remote connection. 

Ubiquiti support have told me that this is because the UDP Port 123 might be being blocked by the ISP and it's preventing the NTP from syncing. 

Has anyone set up Virgin Media/Ubiquiti before and ran into this same issue?

How do I confirm if the ISP is blocking port 123 - my understanding is modem mode should not be blocking anything. 



  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I use Ubiquiti kit and VM does not block NTP. Are you sure you are running in modem mode on the VM hub, because if it’s still in router mode it could explain the problem.

    • WH94's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for the reply,

      Definitely in modem mode, I can only access the hub settings via and there are no settings I can change other than disabling modem mode

      • Tudor's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        In my UDM Pro router you can set what NTP servers are to be used. I do not know your settings, but take a look. You can find the countries NTP serves on the internet. Also make sure your country code is set to UK.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Check the Cloud Gateway Max has a DNS so it can get the IP address list for the named NTP server.

  • Reboot the VM Hub with the Ubiquiti router attached to make sure it is getting the connection using the Ubiquiti routers MAC address.  Then login to the VM hub and check that it has provisioned correctly (all the up and down channels are set etc and there is a config.  Then in the Ubiquiti check the WAN address settings and make sure it has populated correctly.  If not then check that the WAN is set to DHCP.   If all that fails put the VM box back in normal mode, connect the Ubiquiti box up and let it get an internal IP to see if it can get to the internet (You will be double batted but that doesn’t matter at this point).  If it connects then let it update etc then try modem mode again.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Theirs no way VM block NTP that would be insane 

    I use 

  • I'm still having no luck with this. 

    I have:

    • Updated NTP servers to
    • Confirmed DNS/MAC/WAN/DHCP settings are all correct.
    • VM Hub in Modem Mode has config file and doesn't report any errors.
    • Tried VM Hub in Router mode.

    All other devices connected to my access points connect to the internet fine, struggling to understand why the UCG Max does not update, allow remote access management, run internet speed test, show traffic stats. 

    Any further ideas?

    • WH94's avatar
      Joining in

      I've downloaded Wireshark - to be honest it looks a bit technical for me!

      What I've done so far is captured a session where I restarted my unifi cloud gateway, and then once rebooted attempted to enable the remote access setting and download an update. 

      From this I could then see traffic to TCP Port 443, I could not see any traffic going to UDP Port 123 - although I am not sure if this is down to user error. 

      Is there any VM technical support that monitor this forum who would be able to check from their end if they can see UDP Port 123 is open?

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Are you logging on to the Cloud Gateway Max via its LAN IP address or via Have you tried to set NTP servers in <settings><advance>? Is <settings><control plane><console><advance><remote access> ticked?

    • WH94's avatar
      Joining in


      I've tried setting NTP servers in advanced and still no luck. 

      I receive an error message when trying to tick remote access - the ubiquiti support says this is most likely due to UDP Port 123 being blocked

      • Tudor's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        VM do not block ports and certainly not 123, everyone uses NTP. What happens when you logon to ""? I always use this not a local direct logon.

  • 3 weeks later and I finally have the problem fixed - Ubiquiti support helped me run a few SSH commands to update the date/time manually, after restarting the router it then works!

    Thank you to those who offered suggestions for potential fixes.