madeinholt wrote:
I've asked the engineer this...
Alas the ultimate answer will be no - although you might get some contrary answers from some VM techs, call centre staff wo don’t know any better.
The issue isn’t the physical connection, the problem is that the underlaying ‘way’ that data is encoded and transmitted is radically different. The traditional cable (coax) connection, and, indeed the newer RFoG connections* encode data using the DOCSIS system whereby you have a cable (DOCSIS) modem at one end (ie every VM hub up to the 5) and a device called a CMTS at the other end. The new system uses an entirely different technology (XGS-PON) there’s simply no possibility of any sort of ‘simple’ converter in the Omnibox. Effectively you are asking for a CMTS (plus other stuff) to be fitted in (or outside) of your house to take the incoming data, decode it and then re-encode it in to a DOCSIS data stream than and earlier hub model could use.
I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to look up what a CMTS looks like, how big they are and their power and calling requirements - not something that can be fitted in an Omnibox!
‘Could it possibly be done’? Well, yes, possibly, but I’m not aware of any devices on the market that can do this - there is simply no demand or need for it.** You would be asking VM to pay for the research and manufacturing of an entirely new class of devices, which would only be applicable for a tiny, tiny minority of their users!
Bottom line - not happening; sorry!
*RFoG is fibre, yes, but the clue is in the name. Radio Frequency (ie the DOCSIS standard) over Glass - ie replace the coax with fibre but the underlaying communication method is the same, there is a CMTS at the other end.
** And,naturally, if anyone knows different, I’d be fascinated to know and happy to be proven wrong - because that’s how we all learn!