Forum Discussion

johnasimmons's avatar
24 days ago

Speed cut down


I used to always get approximately 550mbs/50mbs ethernet & approximately 500mbs/40mbs wi-fi on my internet speed but in the last week I still get the same speeds on ethernet but approximately 275mbs/40mbs (upload hasn't changed) on wi-fi; anyone know why? My service status is ok



  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Small changes in location / distance can affect 5GHz Wi-Fi which is not good at passing through solid walls.

    Try the Samknows Realspeed app on your mobile it reports the service speed to the Hub and also the speed the mobile works on Wi-Fi.  

    For a laptop / web browser the same test is at : 

    • johnasimmons's avatar

      Thanks Client62; did that and the same results... I haven't moved anything in some years so it's not a change in location or distance

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Do you have any VM Pods?  This may cause your device to connect to a Pod (or the Hub) that is furthest away.

  • Hi All 👋 Just returning to this public thread to keep things updated. 

    Thanks to johnasimmons for PMing with me ✉ - we were able to confirm any details needed to investigate the issues and help get things sorted! The issues were isolated to device Wi-Fi Performance in terms of speeds. We identified some issues with their PODs set up which was not optimised for best performance. The speed issues do seem to have improved. 

    You can use the Connect App 👉 for extra help with your Wi-Fi performance and to ensure the  best placement for Wi-Fi POD's in your home if ever needed! Hopefully things are all sorted, but feel free to keep us updated so we can offer further support if needed. 

    Thanks for your patience whilst we offered help! Wishing you all the best. 🌞