Slow speeds with Powerline
I have a Hub3 with Powerline adaptors sending Wifi to my upstairs and garage. I have recently moved from BT, which I new regret, as I have nothing but trouble and instabilty with Virgin.
With my old (and I mean OLD, it was 3 years old) BT router I have no problems getting maximum broadband speeds upstairs through my Powerline. But with Virgin I find the maximum speeds I can reach are around 70Mb/s (out of 250-270Mbs dowbstairs). If I connect direct to the router via ethernet cable I get full speeds, so it's something to so with how it reacts to Powerline.
I have seen lots of similar posts from people, with no solutions. Interesting, I was at my sister's in London over the weekend, and she has exactly the same issue, absolutely identical.
Has anyone managed to find a solution?