Forum Discussion

londonarnold's avatar
On our wavelength
8 months ago

Red Light Overheat on our Hub and TiVo Box Electric Shocks


I’ve done some esearch which suggests our Hub 3.0 and TiVo Box are malfunctioning, not connecting then after a long time - and displaying the Red Light which it says on your Forums is an overheating warning, and we get electric shocks from the TiVo bos which is also very old.

please advise, do we get the boxes replace

Thanks in advance.

  • londonarnold's avatar
    On our wavelength

    The TiVo Box isn’t connecting at all, it’s stuck at 16% where it says the TV you love is coming right up.

    • Beth_G's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi londonarnold

      Thank you for your post. I'm very sorry to hear you've been getting shocks from the TV box and that your Hub appears to be overheating.

      I have sent you a private message so I can take your details and look into this for you. 

  • Yeah TiVo box is absolutely horrendous. Mine also gives out electric shocks... and as an added bonus, it's using my TV as a path to ground for said dangerous AC voltage. Quite literally a shocking device.

    Sadly VM needs the bill payer in order to deal with the dodgy fire hazard device, so all I can do is unplug it and put it behind my kitchen bin for now. lol

    • Beth_G's avatar
      Forum Team

      H asim18

      I am sorry to hear that this is happening to you also. Please do keep it unplugged for now; I've sent you a PM so I can take your details and investigate this for you.

      Thank you