Record for Most Times Contacted Virgin Media without any action.
Is there an official record for how many times you contact Virgin Media without the problem being resolved? Here is what happened to me:
September 2023, changed contract with VM, they said I would need a new hub for new contract, and my existing three wifi pods would need to be exchanged (one at a time). New hub arrived quickly, set up fine, I requested wifi pod, was told can only ask for one at a time. Two weeks later requested another, and was asked to return my old wifi pods, which I did by recorded delivery, acknowledged by VM
By mid October requested third wifi pod, i was told I already had three (which I didn't, I had 2 - returned 3 old ones), was told an error on VM's part and would be sent a new one. Two weeks later, contacted VM to ask where 3rd pod was, was told you already have 3, I explained I had 2, had sent 3 old pods back, VM apologised, and promised a new pod would be sent asap, I asked if I could have an email to confirm this, was told yes, you should get an email that day.
2 weeks later, no pod, no email. I contacted Virgin Media again - 'but you already have 3 pods' came the reply from VM - I explained again I didn't, was there no notes on my record? Apologies again from VM, will get a pod, email, and a discount to you asap.
1 week later at last an email from VM! Sadly the email said I already had the maximum number of pods. I have been contacting VM every 10/14 days, each time takes ages to get through (have tried phone and whattsapp), it has become a part-time job the hours I have spent on this. The above conversation has taken place 8 times since the contract, still no third wifi pod, still no email confirming arrival of wifi pod, every time I contact VM, have to explain why I don't have three wifi pods, every time I contact VM, given an apology and promised a wifi pod, and email, and discount.
By miles the worst customer service ever.