Forum Discussion

Brock4's avatar
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2 years ago

Pause devices still not working

Why is hub5x still unable to pause devices?

Message keeps saying will be fixed ASAP and has done for months. What exactly then is ASAP? 

This was a big reason for us moving over to virgin yet we can't use it

  • carl_pearce's avatar
    Community elder

    Probably the same amount of time it's going to take to get modem mode...

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    It would be super to see screen shots of all the menus of a Hub 5x - then we would know what it can do.

    E.g.   Can the MAC be paused from a Hub 5x menus ???

    • Brock4's avatar
      Joining in

       It appears that any device can be paused if the flipping thing worked

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Set aside the VM Connect app if it does not work.

    What is in the Hub 5x menu at   - login with the HUB Password.

    All other VM Hubs have menu screens that allow Wi-Fi Pausing and MAC Address blocking.

    Is that present in the Hub 5x menus ?