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Azumi's avatar
Joining in
8 months ago

Overhead crew needed

I don't know if this is the correct board so please move me to the correct one if it isn't but i'm hoping that i can get some help from a staff member that has the knowlege that i need to be able to complete this install.

So yesterday i had a visit to come and install fibre, but there was a problem in that the house has never had fibre before so there's no brown box and fibre isn't supplied underground. Adam, who came to do the install was great, he wrote down what i need to tell customer services to get it all sorted. I called them yesterday and spent 20 minutes trying to explain what the issue was because i could not understand a word he was saying his accent was so thick, eventually i got transfered to the installs department who read through Adams notes and told me that an engineer would call me within the next 24-48 hours. I get a phone call today expecting it to be from said engineer but it wasn't, he read through the notes that Adam had put on his engineer notes and wanted to transfer me to customer services...why? and then the transfer just went to a bot with options, so i hung up because it had nothing to do with what i needed.

The account is designated as FTTP when it needs to be XGS, i need an overhead crew to come out and install the lines needed for the fibre. Other than the pointless call today i've had no other communtication so i've no clue if the guys needed to install the lines even know that they need to come out here to do the work. So if somebody could give me a call, or put me onto the right person that i need to speak to that would be great.


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Have you tried the Installations number 0800 052 1734 ?

  • Hello Azumi.

    Thanks for your first post and welcome to our community.

    Sorry to hear about the installation issues you're currently facing.

    From what you have explained, Our FTTP network is always under ground in existing pre laid ducts.

    XGS is where we piggy back off BT lines and connect our own network above the ground. Its like a way to expand our network without the need to dig publice pathways etc.

    What I can do from here is send you a private message to take some details and chase this up for you.

    If you can check your logo at the top right of your screen that would be great. 