No internet. Network access : Blocked
Virgin media currently charge my family £57.93 a month for M125 broadband service (133mb down / 20mb up), which includes no phone service, no tv package service, poor customer service, regular reliability issues and now no Internet connection at all at this point.
Its bad enough we're already financially penalised by Virgin Media for nothing more than simply not-wanting to enter a long term contract during a period that our country is on its knees and other uncertainties with work. Why not offer short term contracts to existing customers with everything in place already?
Anyway, as a result of that Virgin Media has taken it upon themselves to slam our family with a ridiculously high premium for their m125 broadband package which would usually be just £25 a month, instead we're charged £57.93 because we simply didn't submit to an additional contract.
God knows why they'd want to financially impact our family like that, especially considering we've been committed to them for the last 20+ years, most of which has always been out of contract and never incurred aggressive hyperinflated prices like we're currently experiencing out of contract right now.
For example we use to pay around £27 a month for this exact same package out of contract on the run up to covid, but now they've ramped it up to £57.93 a month and they believe that's totally reasonable. Forgive me, but I don't.
Keep in mind other ISP / Broadband competitors such as London's Community Fibre and others only ever charge an additional £4 a month out of contract increase to their customers, why is Virgin charging us over double the price?
The M125 Broadband package Virgin currently charge £25 on their website right now but then they'll skyrocket the price the second your contract expires.
Now if we were with Community Fibre and our £25 a month contract expired, they would only increase our monthly charge by just an additional £4 more a month for not being in contract. Why does virgin choose to financially hurt its customers?
Also to make matters worst, even though Virgin Media ramp up your prices, what have we got at the end of the day?
I'll tell you......'NO INTERNET'.
We haven't had internet for nearly a whole week now because someone at Virgin Media team has chosen to mess about with their network. They claim it may have been some unplanned unforeseen fault.
I'm not buying it, as when you google the similar fault you can see others have experienced it and it was a result of Virgin medias staff tampering, which for a professional business would be a foreseeable issue.
When I login to the Virgin Media Home Hub 3 I can see that Virgin Media have made changes which has resulted in the router reporting:
No internet. Network access : Blocked
So we're basically paying stupid prices and physically getting zero service and to make matters worst every time we attempt to call Virgin Media their automated answering machine service recognises our phone number, has us jump a bunch of automated hoops, only to tell us they're having service issues in our area and they simply disconnect our call.
So we login to their website and they report they are having issues in the area and suggest a time and a date that it will be resolved, but the only problem is that the time and date keeps changing and getting further away every date, continually failing to meet their own suggested targets.
Mean while the kids can't play their video games or log in to their schools portal to do their home work. We don't have a TV licence (so no live broadcast) but do 100% rely on virgins broadband to operate properly and for us to be able to watch non live content on our smart devices which now none of us can do, but you still charge us hyper inflated prices.
What gives?