Just joined and my connection drops several times a day, every day (Hub 5, newly cabled area)
Hi everyone, I "upgraded" to a Virgin 1gig connection a month or so ago in a newly cabled area. Unfortunately I'm having issues with my connection dropping repeatedly. It mainly affects MS teams and Zoom calls which disconnect and then reconnect a few seconds later but i've also noticed an issue with Canva (online design software) and Google slides where both kick into "offline mode". I have a Hub 5 and two black pods set up. Speed is reasonable (upwards of 100mb in the most slowest area).
I've rebooted the hub a good few times and Virgin have also reset the hub. Their technical support has been pretty unhelpful with little beyond the resets.
I've set up a quality tracker here:
It's showing a weird cycling saw tooth pattern that repeats roughly every hour and 45 mins. Any suggestions of what this might mean or anything else that I can do to figure out what's going on and hopefully kick VM into action would be massively appreciated. Fingers crossed!