Issues with 2.5Gb Unmanaged Switch and 2.5Gb Port
I recently got my Hub 5 with gigabit internet. I was using a gigabit switch with no problems but would only get 950Mb to my 2 PC's. Then I purchased a 2.5Gb Switch, connected it to the 2.5Gb port and for a week had 0 problems. My PC would get 1150Mb while the other still only received 950Mb as it's motherboard is too old. Then suddenly my PC's would not be able to access the internet. It just shows unidentified network or will show it connected but have no access to the internet. The weird thing is that if I connect the 2.5Gb switch to the 1Gb ports it works but doesn't use the full speed. Whereas if I connect my gigabit switch to the 2.5Gb port, that works but caps out at 1gb.
I even thought my 2.5Gb switch was faulty so I returned and got a new one and it has the exact same issue straight away but this time it didn't even work for a week. Just to be sure I connected the same cable I used from the router directly to my PC on the 2.5Gb port and my PC gets the expected 1150mb.
Does anyone have any idea on how to troubleshoot this or what could be wrong?
The silence from VM says it all really.
6 months to acknowledge an issue then another year before a fix based on previous experience....
Unless it was deliberate to stop people using a switch to the 2.5gbps port; in which case, no fix. A HUB4 would not have a 2.5gbps port and some VM staff still peddle that HUb4 is fine for gigabit as connection shared with WIFI devices. Many people asked for HUB5 due to 2.5gbps port so it might be management's idea of stopping it.