Forum Discussion

craigsaddy's avatar
Joining in
4 months ago

Intermittent network despite strong signal

Hi everyone

I'm no expert in internet networks etc so please bear with me if any of this is simplistic.
I moved to Virgin for my internet in June from Sky because the price I was paying was broadly the same but I knew from past experience that i'd get far superior speeds.

However we are having problems with the Virgin connection just dropping and being somewhat inconsistent. Especially with MS teams calls and on iphones for some reason where the phone will revert to 5g despite being connected to internet. With regards the MS teams calls - this is starting to create a real issue for working from home and isn't really acceptable.

Perhaps worth noting that streaming on Netflix/Disney etc never seems to be affected at all.

I have a Virgin booster that plus into the mains and do not believe signal to be an issue here as when working in my spare bedroom the connection shows full signal.

As I type now I've just done a speed test and have a download speed of 183mbps (though its usually in the 200s) and upload speed of 25 mbps. As a comparison the Sky speed just before I left in June was around 45mbps download and 14mbps upload - but I didn't have any issues at all with Sky when using teams.

If anyone could suggest some possible solutions then that would be very much appreciated please because I can't go on working from home with such inconsistent access - the MS teams issue is really causing me professional problems now.



  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Before you spend any money on this to improve the WiFi, you need to establish whether there is an issue with the incoming broadband feed.

    Can you connect the device you use for Teams with the Hub by ethernet cable to check whether you get the same problems? 

  • Sephiroth's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The “helpful users” exceed the technical knowledge of the VM staff on the forum. However, the VM bods can organise a tech visit once they can judge the scope of the problem.

    The staccato sound and blurred images is a clue as to what might be happening.  Full WiFi signal to your laptop from the Pod is not the same as the quality of signal that the Pod receives in its relay from the Hub.  It only needs someone to stand in the way of the Hub’s WiFi, for example, for they symptoms you described to occur. 

    How many Pods do you have?  Usually two is the sensible minimum if the distance to the end target passes through several walls etc.  The one in the middle needs to be in good range of the Hub.

    • craigsaddy's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for the info & your help.

      I've currently got one booster pod - its the wifi pod (white) on this link.
      Its plugged in at the top of the stairs, pretty much in sight of my work desk in a spare room. The main hub is almost directly underneath it in the floor below. It felt like a mission getting this one pod from Virgin- I didn't realise you could get multiple ones!!


  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You're probably finding that the Hub has little or no signal directly above. As an experiment try laying it on its side. And try the pod in a different location. 

    If you qualify for free pods you can have up to three. 

  • Sephiroth's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    jpeg1 may have a point there.  It depends on how the antennae are mounted on your hub.  If your pod is directly above the hub, there may not be a vertical component to the radiated signal.  Hence the suggestion of laying it on its side just to see what happens.

  • Ok ive just done a one hour teams call whilst connected to hub via ethernet as suggested. No performance issues at all. Speed test showed similiar results to my initial post (not sure if that is relevant) - but was a bit faster at 272/26

    • Carley_S's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi craigsaddy 

      Welcome to the community forums. 

      Sorry to hear that you're having issues with your WiFi. 

      Checking the systems on our side we cannot see any issues with the hub specification or any issues in the area that might be causing this. Does the Connect app show that the area where you work has a fair signal? This may be improved by repositioning the pod if needed, as this will need to be in a mains socket in a good signalled area between the router and the area in question so it can boost the strong signal further. 

      Please ensure that the network name is one unified network and that channel optimisation is switched on

      • craigsaddy's avatar
        Joining in

        Hi Carley

        Thanks for response. 

        The connect app shows no signal issues at all.

        Please could you advise how to check those two things that you mention in your last sentence please?

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    At this point I think it would be worth settling up a free BQM to monitor your incoming broadband feed. You may be getting a good measured speed, but that won't show up short term problems caused by e. g. contention that could interrupt your Teams call. 

    Set up the BQM and post a live link here.

    • jpeg1's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      That link won't work because it requires a log-in.  Check the BQM help page again and get the correct link.

    • Kath_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi craigsaddy, 

      We understand the frustration however there are so many things that can influence a WiFi connection some of which include but are not limited to, a fish tank being in the same room, walls being built with concrete instead of brick, it could even be that your next door neighbours router is interfering with yours. Due to this, we are only able to offer limited help. Please have a look here.

      We'd always recommend connecting via an ethernet cable where possible as it does produce the best connection for stability and speeds. The Hub's location could also be causing the coverage problem so we do need to check the positioning of it. Can you please ensure the following: 

      • > Out in the open
      • > Next to the TV not behind it
      • > Away from large bodies of water (e.g. fish tanks)
      • > Away from baby monitors and cordless phones
      • > Away from microwaves

      Think of the Hub as a radio, and WiFi as the sound - the further away you are from the radio, or the more obstacles that are in the way (walls, electronic devices etc.), the quieter the radio & the poorer the WiFi. 

      If that doesn't help, you can use our Connect App which will allow you to scan areas of your home and will offer help and guidance to ensure the Pods are fully optimised. If a further WiFi Pod will help, the app will give you the option of adding this. 

      Keep us posted on how things go and we're here should you need any further help. 
