Hi There
I am hoping somebody can help me. My Hub 5 has been pretty much faultless for the last 8 months. Really happy with it. That is until this past week. I'm unable to watch catch up or live tv shows via my Amazon fire stick. My xbox series X (connected via ethernet) also keeps getting moderate NAT with Upnp failures.
I have tried the diagnostic tool via the hub 5 admin menu but that is pretty much useless. I have tried the virgin media app but it just tells me to restart my hub.
I have tried multiple restarts. I have tried resetting back to factory default. The factory default works for about a day then its back to restarting or back to factory settings. Which now no longer resolves the issue. I have also tried disable channel optimisation.
I am seriously disappointed with this Hub 5. I previously had the Hub 4 and for the entire 2 years i had it. There was never an issue with it. Probably the best router i ever had from virgin media.
Please can somebody look into a replacement router for me. I'm at my wits end with it. The thought of taking a hammer to it has seriously crossed my mind
Nothing is resolving my issues.