Forum Discussion

robatwork's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Hub 5 / / Change IP range

Just bought a new Hub 5 to replace a Hub 3, to help with wifi speeds.

Having had a quick root around here it looks like VM removed the ability to change the IP range, which is going to cause me a problem as I VPN into work which is on

Other than using my own router behind the Hub 5 in modem mode (which I don't want to do for various reasons), is there a secret unpublished method to change the hub's IP that I haven't discovered in a quick google? My DM's, as they say on X, are open.

Thanks in advance

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    "bought a Hub 5" ... Do you mean as in bought a Hub 5 from eBay ?

    Hub 3 and Hub 5 both use the same LAN  IP range, why has this only become an issue now with the Work VPN ?

    • robatwork's avatar
      On our wavelength

      As in "bought direct from Virgin Media after a request to their cust service dept"

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Speak to you work IT, you cannot now change the local LAN IP subnet.

    • robatwork's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I am my work IT 😀

      It would be such a PITA to change the work IP range as to not be realistic

      • jpeg1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        You don't buy the Hub from Virginmedia. It is loaned to you during the contract. 

  •  I don't remember any such issues with changing the LAN IP network and I've had a hub2, 3 and 5, are you looking in the Advanced Admin section?

    • robatwork's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I've checked every option in every menu, looks like the newer fw has locked it down beyond reason. All that can be changed in DHCP is the starting local address and the number of CPEs. Not the actual DHCP server address. 

  • Though there is no place to change the IP address directly. You can change the last 2 numbers on the DHCP range start.

    I set mine to start at and voila, the IP address of the router changed to

    So, you can't change the router IP address to anything but it gives some flexibility.

    • robatwork's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I left VM so can't test this. Can anyone else confirm this is the (peculiar) way around the issue?