Forum Discussion

JohnUK777's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Hub 3 , ethernet 100 /1000 ?

Hi all.

Been having a few problems with internet keep dropping off/out and am a little reluctant to send for an engineer until I can understand better what`s happening.

To add to probs, I`ve just bought a new Samsung smart tv and so I am determined to get the best from it, I need the best connection/service.

So, Did a post a few weeks ago re hub showing the only 2 ethernet connected devices I have ( Tv and Pc ) sometimes showing as connected at 100 mbps, and sometimes showing at 1000.   Another forum member (Carl ++++ ? ) suggested they should be 1000, and my hub may be faulty.  

Problem is I really don`t understand the principle,  So If anyone can answer the questions below it will help me understand what`s happening.

1.  What determines at what speed the Ethernet device connects at ?  .

2. What makes it change ?   ( Sometimes when I look, it`s at 100,  then I can look again say an hour later and it`s at 1000 )  

3. Questions above are re ethernet,,, but re wifi,,  What makes those change too ?  Does a wifi connected device constantly try and find a better signal ? ??

( example, when looking at hub settings, /connected Ring doorbell sometimes shows connected to my normal 2.4 ghz signal,  sometimes my 5g ghz, and sometimes my VM pod ( at 54mpbs) which is at the other side of the house , the router itself is literally 5 feet away from the Ring doorbell, so hard to understand why the doorbell is connecting to pod which is 20 metres away. ??  

Also worth mentioning, when I get probs with slow speed/ signal dropping off, I look at hub settings and I know before I look that it`s gonna show connected at 100 for the ethernet devices ( Pc and Tv ) , then I do a ookla speedtest on pc and it always shows in the 70`s download, and usually mid 20`s upload...   When everything is fine however, the connection shows at 1000 in the hub  and the speedtest is usually up around 250 mbps download,  and again mid 20`s upload.  

The download is never anything in between,  it`s always the same , mid 70`s when there`s a problem, and around 250 when all is okay.  

When I do a speedtest on the Tv `s internet app.. again at Oookla website..  the needle barely moves,,,  usually about 5 to 10 Mpbs down,,,and 2- 5 up.   Using internet on tv, or internet based tv progs,,, it`s  always buffering.

Also worth mentioning,  the new tv keeps showing a notice intermittently saying " Network cable unplugged ,, do you want to connect using wifi ?  "   .  I have obviously checked the ethernet cable, all seem fine, nothing loose, no error lights showing on the router, just normal white light)   I have tried the RJ45 in all 4 ports, still same. 

I would expect a better speed, especially if connected by ethernet.  ??

At the time of posting this, on hub settings/connected devices...  the Pc shows connected at 1000 ... and the Tv shows at 100.  I know from experience those will change ,   but I don`t know what makes them change.

I would appreciate if anyone can explain to me ( an idiot) what`s happening, and possibly why.

Sorry for long post,  totally confused,  any help appreciated.   Thanks

P.S.  When I look at hub settings/ Network logs...  It shows lots of  "  Warning -  RCS partial service "    and   " Critical -  No ranging response received"   .... with some  "  Notice - LAN login success "   in between.  

Obviously the words " warning" and " critical " don`t look good, but I have ZERO idea what they actually mean.   Last question....  Should I send for an engineer ?  and any suggestions what else to check before I do.     Thanks again.  


  • I wouldn't be too concerned over speedtests at the moment, if the cable keeps flapping from 100 to 1000.  As for getting a new Hub, that's more problematic as VM will see the Hub is up and working, and it's very hard to prove the port flapping.  Hopefully a VM Mod will pick this up and organise a tech visit to check this out.

    The only other long shot I can think of is dust.  If the ports and/or cable ends are dusty, this can affect the connections.  

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Legacy, thanks for reply.   When you say " cheap " hub...   Do you mean crap ?/     I don`t know how ` cheap ` the hub is..  it`s just what VM supplied a few years ago.

      Re cable... Knowing I had been having problems, and knowing I was getting a new tv, I bought a new RJ45 cable as well, a cat 7 one.   But whether I use the existing rj45 that`s been fine for years, , or the brand new one, the problem is still the same.  

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The cables can, and do "fail" and this will reduce the speed.  Cat 6 is all you need for 1Gb connections, anything else is a waste of money.  Try to get good quality copper cored cable, as there is CCA (copper covered aluminium) which is not as good.  Also note 100Mb connections are common on TV's, so don't expect to see a 1Gb connection. On that point, some older cables only use 4 core cable, as that's all that 100Mb needs. 1Gb needs all eight cores.

    As for Wifi, the Hub will use it's "Intelligent Wifi" to optimise the signal, as this can cause dropouts as it moves devices around on different channels and bands.  This can be stopped by switching off Optimisation on the Hub.  Also 2.4Ghz band goes further but slower, and 5Ghz is the opposite..

    The comment by legacy1  on the Hub is down to money spent by any ISP, just not VM.  If you need millions of Hubs as a business, they will not be built to similar specs as "proper" Routers that can cost hundreds of pounds.

    As for the Log, post it up with the power levels etc.  and we can comment on the entries.  A lot of them can be ignored.

    Having said all this, it is possible the Hub is faulty btw, so it may be you need a replacement.

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Adduxi, Thanks for reply.  I`m not sure what cat the existing cable was, but it worked fine for years, nothing as been moved, disturbed, changed,,,   except for unplugging RJ45 from the old ( 2 year old ) samsung tv, and just plugged back into new ( 2023 model ) samsung tv,   both Tv`s similar spec etc.. I only got the new one because it has SmartThings built in.   Even before 2021, the previous tv/router/pc never had any probs.   Same router, same rj45 under carpet, no disturbance, no problems.....   all the drop outs on tv and pc seem to have happened in the past month or so.

      Buying the new RJ45 was just another precaution and also to ` up the spec ` of the existing one, ( it`s been there years so not sure what cat )  ,,,,  but this is the listing for the new cable which as I said in the post.,  \ I have also tried, and still same.   .............

      CAT7 Network Ethernet Cable Flat RJ45 SSTP 10Gbps Gigabit Ultra-Thin Patch LAN | eBay


      So re 100 ...    The tv is still showing in hub settings as connected at 100...  ( so are we saying that is normal ? )  how would I check if tv should be able to connect at 1000 ?.  ( what would I look for in tv specs )

      Re  pc sometimes connecting at 100  and sometimes 1000  ....  why would that ever change if pc is always connected via ethernet.  ??/   confused.    I THINK I understand about the wifi part changing, as it `optimises itself `... but why would the ethernet connected devices ever change ? .

      re wifi,,,looked at router settings,,,  in wireless signal section...that  " smart wifi"   `channel optimization ` is enabled.   I have never changed this... given the years it`s been set like this with no probs, is it wise to change it now to  disabled ?   

      And sorry,,,1 more question... Still no understanding why tv would suddenly show  " network cable disconnected " warning...  for no reason .   then sometimes it would just show again saying. " network cable connected " a few seconds later.      ??    It`s as thought the output from the rj45 ports are just suddenly failing randomly, then re-establishing themselves again.    just doesn`t seem right at all.

      Anything you could elaborate on would be appreciated.   many thanks.


    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Not sure where to look for power levels, but going back now to have a look.

      In the meantime...   There`s about 20 entries in the network log area, spread over the past 3 days. All are either .. `LAN login success` ... No ranging response `  or  RCS partial service.....    But these 5 ( see pic) from the 27th also mention  ` Unicast `  and `maintenance `.        I have blanked out MAc numbers.   ...................  ? 


    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Are the` power levels `you mention the gobbeldygook filed under this ?    

      • Adduxi's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        The power levels are listed under the Downstream and Upstream tabs.  If you copy and paste into this thread, the Board software will remove the MAC addresses automatically, so no need to redact screenshots.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I would try the cable I suggested for PC is it drops 100Mb likely a hub fault

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks again Legacy, not sure if you saw my reply to Adduxi re new  cat 7 cable tried.   but same problem.

      What`s the chance of RJ45 to the Pc, and the RJ45 to the Tv, both going faulty ( or not correct cat) on the same day, at the same time ?  ............   I`m completely in the dark here, so relying on others,  but I`m gonna take a guess that it`s not a cable problem. 

      At the moment, the Pc has now connected at 1000 ....   And download speeds at Pc is around 250, i`ve not touched the RJ45 to the Pc at all.   It changes from 100   to 1000  when it wants to,  and when the connected speed changes to 100, the download speed will be mid 70`s.     Then a few hours later it`ll change back to 1000 again.        Pretty convinced it`s a router problem...  Given the fact Tv is also playing up... even with a brand new cat 7 cable.         Anyway,,,   any help ,er,, helps !       Thanks

  • JohnUK777's avatar
    On our wavelength

    And ......  ( lol )  just to add to the confusion, or should I say MY confusion....  Throw this into the mix.

    I also have a Samsung M5 monitor , the monitor also has Samsung tv plus built in,and internet app,. so basically acts as a monitor, a Tv, and a comptuer. ..   it doesn`t have Ethernet,,,only wifi.   

    So.....   I decided to try something, looking at the hub `connected devices ` section,  it shows the monitor connected to my VM pod, at speed of 54,  ( All other devices ( smart plugs/cameras )connected to pod also show at 54.  )  So... I assume 54 is the maximum speed of the pod .

    So, On the monitor, connected to pod, I opened internet and did an Ookla speedtest...   Same test I did on New Tv ( which is connected via ethernet) ,,,,,,,and...   speeds on the monitor were  122 down,,,,and 26 up.   wirelessly, via the pod.   So again,,, confusion...   If the max speed of pod is 54,,, how come I got 122 ?/   

    My head is exploding in slow motion.   

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I wouldn't be too concerned over speedtests at the moment, if the cable keeps flapping from 100 to 1000.  As for getting a new Hub, that's more problematic as VM will see the Hub is up and working, and it's very hard to prove the port flapping.  Hopefully a VM Mod will pick this up and organise a tech visit to check this out.

    The only other long shot I can think of is dust.  If the ports and/or cable ends are dusty, this can affect the connections.  

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks Adduxi...   I understand about proving faulty,,,  but won`t all those " critical "  and " warning" notices in the network log prove there`s a problem ??    

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      This from another one of my posts a few weeks ago..  This is what`s making me think fault....

      Plus.. the words " warning "   Critical "  Partial service "   etc in the logs....all seem a bit worrying to someone like me who doesn`t understand the lingo.   Even the basic things like ...`.why would the ethernet connection ever change from 1000 to 100...what makes it change ?  `  I really don`t understand.  It`s hard to understand things like....why I would get a better connection/ download speed on the new Tv, via wifi connected to a pod miles away, than I would when connected direct via ethernet,   Just seems ridiculous to me.     

      Head is spinning . 


  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Your power levels are good, nothing to report on those. Just a couple of T3 timeouts and no PostRS errors. Have you a BQM running? This would show circuit problems.

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      I have zero idea what a T3 timeout is,,,,,,,or a BQM............   sorry, all above my head I`m afraid. 

      • JohnUK777's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Has anyone ever seen a VM Hub3 do 140mph and end up in 180 pieces at the bottom of a garden  ???

        No ? .......................     Stand by  !!!!!!!!!!

  • carl_pearce's avatar
    Community elder

    'Critical' should be rarely seen.

    'Warning' is a bit of an overlap of what's recorded. Some are nothing to worry about, some indicate an issue with your line or the local area.

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks Carl.   As I look now at 9-20pm ) The log appears to go back 7 days. The last entry being 8-50am today)  In that 7 days there are 20 entries in the "priority " column.

      8 are listed as " critical "  ........ 2 are " warning"   .

      The other 10 are " notice " ( which all say "LAN login success ")

      So not exactly sure if 8 "Criticals " in a week is considered " rare " .

      Also,,,  in your opinion, would you say all these listings are enough to convince VM that something`s amiss ? .    Thanks

      • JohnUK777's avatar
        On our wavelength

        P.S.    Forgot to mention, also , when I have disconnected the new TV from wifi to try and get a better` speed`  via Ethernet, 

         I`ve had a few ...." You are connected to the router, but not to the internet "  notices come up.   

        So, I assume that at least proves my cable is ok.    

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    open Windows PowerShell and run this

    Get-NetAdapter | select interfaceDescription, name, status, linkSpeed

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      You`re losing me Legacy.   Too advanced for me.  😃

      Thanks for link, but it`s all beyond me I`m afraid...   No idea what EEE and green power is.  

        Anyway....   Windows update and built in HP support assistant reports all drivers are up to date and latest ones.  It`s a brand new W11  HP pC.  

  • carl_pearce's avatar
    Community elder

    Assuming you have tried another ethernet cable, and taking into consideration if affected another PC, I can only come to the conclusion you have a faulty HUB.

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks again Carl.    I came to that conclusion weeks ago.😃.... ( In my head ) ...   But just wanted to double check with you guys before I go to the trouble of trying to explain the problem to someone in Phillipines who won`t understand a damn word I`m saying.    

      I have tried 2 brand new cat7 cables,, same prob.

      I think it`s looking like an engineer visit.   

      While you`re here Carl..Another thing that`s been putting me off sending for engineer, is if he puts a new router in, I was afraid I would have to go throught everry single device I have ( Over 30 ) and re connect every one again manually,,,, which be a right pain in the you know what.  

      Do you think it`s possible for engineer to name the SSID`s of a new router, to the same as they at present,  so then hopefully all the devices will just reconnect automatically, like they would if there was a power cut.   ??  Is that possible ? 

      • carl_pearce's avatar
        Community elder

        Yes, they engineer can change the SSID and password to match what you have on your current HUB. Whether they are willing to is another matter!

        You can do it yourself, and we can talk you through it, if needed.