Hub 3 / Ethernet to PC./ Which CAT cable ?.
Been having lots of unsolvd probs with Wifi and ethernet//or Hub, so have decided to start again from scratch.
( One prob being,, iooking in the router settings, it has been showing the PC to Hub3.. is conneccting mostly at 100 mpbs, I have been told this should be 1000 mpbs.
When it DOES connect at 1000, I don`t seem to get any probs with streaming.. and speedtest are always over 230 up and about 25 down. However, when I start to get streaming issues, I check router and I know it`s gonna show connected at 100.... and a subsequent speedtest will always result in about 70/80 down,,,,and over 20 up.
Also it sometimes completely drops the ethernet connection completely, then I have to connect PC by wifi.
So,, I have tried new ethernet cables,, But am confused with the CAT numbers,,, So,, To my main question and purpose of the post....
CAT number,,, what is best to connect the PC direct to Router ( Hub3 ) ? Is it simplly a case of the higher the CAT number the better ?? Cat 7 ? CAt 8 ?? I have seen lots use CAt 6 ... Is it the higher the better ? .
If anyone can recommend a cable,,,, Please state why I can understand the reasoning behind your rec.
I am suspecting hub is faulty, but I just wanna make sure MY equipment is correct before I send for a VM engineer ( that`ll be another ordeal ) . THanks In advance,,, John
Cat 5e or above should provide a stable 1Gbps connection.
Higher categories offer faster speeds (Hardware allowing) due to better shielding.