High T3 Time outs
Hub 5 with 1gig.
Whilst checking why my laptop wasn't showing as connected on the Hub 5 web page, I noticed that between 24-07-2024 02:45:43 - 24-07-2024 02:45:43 on the network logs I had over 1000 T3 timeouts on channels 2-3-4.
3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID
0 49600000 45.8 5120 QAM 32 1
1 43100000 46 5120 QAM 32 2
2 36600000 46 5120 QAM 32 3
3 30100000 45.8 5120 QAM 32 4
4 23600000 45.5 5120 QAM 32 5
3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts
0 ATDMA 0 0 9 0
1 ATDMA 0 0 32 0
2 ATDMA 0 0 1320 0
3 ATDMA 0 0 1491 0
4 ATDMA 0 0 1441 0
I rebooted my hub 9 days ago because of high uncorrected errors, Is there a problem with the hub 5?