Forum Discussion

EHB's avatar
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2 years ago

Guest Network not being extended by pod

Had a chat with Virgin Media on Twitter/X and they said the pod should extend the main network and the guest network. 
My main network has been improved but my guest room is the furthest from the router and so I most wanted to extend the guest network. 
How do I get the Pod to extend the guest network? I’ve logged into the Superhub using a browser and can’t see any settings. I’ve also looked in the Virgin Media app. 

  • Hey EHB, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

    Sometimes you may need an extra pod, if you are struggling to get signal in this room I would look at moving the pod closer to this room or do a scan from the connect app in that room.

    The pod will only extend the main network any extra WIFI / routers you have it won't extend as its not meant for that its meant for the Virgin Media hub only and not any other guest / 3rd party routers.

    The best way to get a pod order is download the Virgin Connect app, from here do a scan.

    If the scan picks up that you need a pod it will allow you to order some.

    However they can be chargeable depending what package you on.

    They are free on Volt, 1GB or Oomph bundles. 

    Please let me know how you get on. Thanks 

    • EHB's avatar
      Joining in

      It’s the Guest Network on the Superhub, not a separate router. I do have a separate router just for IoT things but that is fine and has no guest mode. I was told by the Virgin Media Twitter/x account the Virgin Media Guest Network would get extended. I can’t move the Pod nearer the room as the app already says it’s connection is only “fair” where it is and already warns me not to connect too many devices. If I move it nearer the room it will be further from the router. It did seem to work for a few days and yesterday it stopped. 
      Also if I do a network diagnostics on the home page of the router it says there is a wifi problem. Unfortunately I never pressed that button before getting a Pod but should it turn red after getting a Pod? It gives no details about what the problem is or how to sort it. I am running on the default password, admin password and wifi. The only changes are 1 static IP address and the guest network enabled. 

    • Sephiroth's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      What an utterly useless product that pod and its associated CONNECT app is.   People are duped into using it.  Any third party mesh AP subsystem would allow the guest network to extend.  Jeez.

  • EHB's avatar
    Joining in

    Incidentally, I’ve reset the device to factory settings. It seems to have remembered I have a guest network. I think that’s an option in the VM app. 
    man’s if ai run the “network diagnostics” button with a stethoscope it gives 3 green ticks and a red stop sign for wifi. 

      • EHB's avatar
        Joining in

        no, the guest network on my Superhub 5 still is bad and when I run a scan from of my network from the homepage of my Superhub 5 it still says there is a wifi problem. 

    • 1337Hax0r's avatar
      Joining in

      I just noticed that my signal is weak to a new device that I want on the guest network only. I did a Wigle WiFi scan and it does seem like the guest network isn't advertised from my black WiFi pod. So you say I can factory reset the pod to resolve this? How did you do that?

      • Client62's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        Only the shared SSID of the VM Hub's primary Wi-Fi bands are repeated by VM Pods.
        Use a retail Wi-Fi repeater to extend the Guest Network.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    I do not recall any previous posts that mention a VM Pod can extend the Guest Network.

    Extending the Guest Network with a retail Wireless Repeater like a RE450 / AC1750 would work.

    • EHB's avatar
      Joining in

      I was specifically told by Virgin Media Support on Twitter/X that it would and for a while it did. It’s just stopped doing it. 

      • David_Bn's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us EHB.

        Looking through this for you, it appears that we cannot guarantee an extension of a guest network using Wi-Fi extenders - apologies for the misleading information.

        Can devices working in this area of the property connect successfully to the default Wi-Fi connection, either with or without the assistance of the extenders?

        Kindest regards,


  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The risk from IoT is not their existence on a LAN with a PC / Laptop / Mobile.

    It is from their back office system that might be as secure as a paper bag for all we can tell and may very well be selling your lifestyle data to every social media firm and marketing agency on the planet.

    • 1337Hax0r's avatar
      Joining in

      Cyber security consultant here. Actually the risk is both... say the IoT service is compromised and the attackers push a firmware update to your device that allows them to remote in via a reverse connection and then attack the devices on your LAN. A more unlikely scenario, but possible.