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mickc6's avatar
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2 months ago

Ethernet slow

M500 Broadband installed last week Hub5+.  I get 246Mbps over Wifi at my PC (using TP-Link USB dongle) but only 94Mbps using a Cat6 ethernet cable directly between the Hub and my PC.  I've tried 3 different ports on the PC but the result is the same.  Asus Motherboard has a 1Gb Ehernet port.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    what the link speed show in windows 

    run powershell 

    get-netadapter | select name, linkspeed

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Probably a faulty cable, try another one.

  • The Hub3 has speed indicating ethernet ports. Green will mean 1G and orange will mean 100Mb.

    I think the Hub5 also has these indicators? Might be worth having a quick peek. Very useful for devices which dont have a GUI.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The network port LEDs are Green for both 100 and 1000 Mb/s on our Hub 3, Hardware version 10.

    Seeing 94Mbps means a network connection at 100Mb/s for what ever reason.
    Find that reason and you can figure out how to move forward.

    • asim18's avatar
      Rising star

      I stand corrected.

      The original Superhub, and Superhub 2ac had the orange LEDs. Hub 3 is when they got rid of them.

      I've been a VM customer far too long. 😂

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person


    Hi mickc6 

    VM don't supply a hub5+.  Which VM hub do you have?  It will either be a hub 5 or hub5x. (VM normally only supply a hub 3 for speeds up to M600, or if you are in a full fibre area (XGS-PON it will be a hub5x)

    What actual speed are you are receiving directly to the hub using ?

    You say you've tried 3 different ports on the PC.  Are they ethernet ports (unlikely) or USB ports using your TP-Link dongle?

    What speed is your TP-Link dongle capable of receiving?

    Ethernet speeds of less than 100Mbps are usually due to a bad ethernet cable. 

    Which ethernet port are you using on the hub5?

     Have you checked that the PC's adapter settings (speed & duplex) is set 1.0 Gbps Full Duplex, or  higher.



  • Turns out it was the Netwoork Adapter setting on my PC which was the problem. Data was being capped at 100Mbps. Needed to go to Device Manager/Intel(R) Ethernet Connection/Properties/Advanced – scroll to - Speed & Duplex – and change setting to 1.0 Gbps Full Duplex.  I now get 518Mbps at my PC.  This could be a problem for many as the Network Adapter settings were the defaults settings.