Can't connect Google Home devices to Hub 3
I have been having nightmares trying to connect Google Home devices to my wi-fi. At first, I assumed it was related to my Deco mesh network but I have tried creating a test Google home using the wi-fi from the Hub 3. I get the same turn off AP Isolation error. AFAIK, there is no such option on a Hub 3.
Weirdly, my first device, a Google Audio speaker, connected seamlessly. The next device, a Google Mini, needed a few resets/reboots before it connected and then adding a Home Hub display seemed to fail every time. However, I left it and came back later to discover it had magically connected. After having to try to reinstall it, I haven't been able to connect it again. Same issue with a second Google Audio received today. At the final 'connecting to wifi' stage, I get the AP Isolation error below.
Is there some setting I need to change or is the Hub 3 simply incompatible? As an aside, the light on the hub is orange, Google says: "The LED is actually a good indicator of how many hours a Hub3 has been powered on. If it's brilliant white, you know it's not been used much. If it's yellow/orange you know it's a well used, old customer return." Not sure if that's relevant?