Forum Discussion
- Cardiffman282Trouble shooter
- Client62Alessandro Volta
I am not too sure what has raised this question, but the only kit that will work on a VM cable connection is the kit issued and activated by Virgin Media and billed to a known customer.
It is not possible to piggy back on your VM Hub or to gain access to your internet traffic.
The DOCSIS standard used world wide and by Virgin Media uses robust encryption to ensure
customer's internet traffic can not be intercepted between the home / office and VM data centres.
What it is possible to do is to split the signal in a VM connection box to serve more that 1 home,
but in each served home is a known VM customer with a genuine VM supplied Hub. This is common
for flats and terraced properties. - TudorVery Insightful Person
It’s a slightly complex answer.
1) Nobody can access any of your data if they connect to the omnibox.
2) Nobody can access the VM network without VM equipment.
3) This might be possible, but I believe even this will not work. They could try connecting VM equipment from their own address, but it would not be registered to this address.
The box could be used to replace your own broken or missing omnibox if you do not want to contact VM to do the work.
- carl_pearceCommunity elder
If you plug in your own HUB, or a close neighbours' yes, else, no.
- sync_interlinkeTuning in
Much thanks to all who replied. I think I can be put at ease with these answers given here. I'm no where near as tech savvy all of you. Some of the abbreviations I had to Google. 🙂 I very much appreciate the replies.
Thank you!
Edit: Sorry for creating the extra thread.
- vmrunreliableSuperfast
Yes it can.
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