Forum Discussion

Jmwhooper's avatar
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11 months ago

Broadband working but smart devices don't work

Hub 5 in modem mode with Deco wireless mesh. Many devices connect and work via wired and wireless with Internet access. But in recent days a number of devices have stopped working intermittently. My Amazon Alexa devices and a smart home lighting hub from LightwaveRF won't work.

I've reset the hub and decos many times, I've tried the hub back in normal router mode without the decos and it still won't work.

Could a local issue with Virgin BB cause some devices to work and others not?

I'm stumped otherwise.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Here the thing if wired is fine on the Deco then wifi is your problem VM shouldn't be able to know anything connected by wifi because it be by ethernet from the Deco to the hub in theory.

    I suggest getting a router with 1Gb ports and see if that has a problem or maybe its a routing issue or DNS.