12 months agoTuning in
Advertising avg speeds of 1130Mbps for Gig 1 when most people have a hub 4
How can Virginmedia keep boasting (and advertising) of average download speeds of 1130 Mpbps when it seems that large numbers of their customers on the 1Gig package still have Hub 4s that are only capable of the same max speeds offered by their competitors i.e around the 900-950Mbps mark?
I have asked several times for a Hub 5 so that I can take full advantage of my 2.5Gb router and home network. I have either met with no response or told that I am on the waiting list both of which amount to the same thing.
I have been a virgin customer since the very begining (that long that I have an ntlworld email address) yet I am behind all the new customers on the waiting list for a hub capable of achieving the advertised average speeds.