Forum Discussion

WareingR's avatar
Tuning in
12 months ago

Advertising avg speeds of 1130Mbps for Gig 1 when most people have a hub 4

How can Virginmedia keep boasting (and advertising) of average download speeds of 1130 Mpbps when it seems that large numbers of their customers on the 1Gig package still have Hub 4s that are only capable of the same max speeds offered by their competitors i.e around the 900-950Mbps mark?

I have asked several times for a Hub 5 so that I can take full advantage of my 2.5Gb router and home network. I have either met with no response or told that I am on the waiting list both of which amount to the same thing.

I have been a virgin customer since the very begining (that long that I have an ntlworld email address) yet I am behind all the new customers on the waiting list for a hub capable of achieving the advertised average speeds.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM get away by technically saying 1Gb is = to 1Gb ports with overhead the fact that you can get more means nothing only when you go to 2Gb with VM should they have to give you a hub5 with 2.5Gb NIC.

    its was and is a bad idea for VM to say 1Gb but it sounds better then 950Mb 

    But maybe if you downgrade they may ask why then they may give you a hub 5

    • WareingR's avatar
      Tuning in

      Virgin's own website states that the Gig1 package has "1130Mbps average download speed" but this is not possible with a Hub4. Virgin will not give existing Gig1 customers with a Hub4 the new Hub5 capable of the advertised average download speed. They state "The advertised download speed for Gig1 is calculated using the midpoint from the fastest and slowest speed from our customer panel". They should indicate if this panel is made up purely of Hub5 users and should also state that if you have a hub 4 that you will not achieve speeds greater than 950Mbps.

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    It has never been defined that it applies to ONE device only. It’s aggregated devices, WiFi and Ethernet. Unfortunately it’s very hard to prove your speed unless you are using your own router that can supply the stats.

    • WareingR's avatar
      Tuning in

      I have a hub 4 in modem mode. It is connected to an Asus router with a 2.5GB ethernet port. The Hub 4 only has 1Gb ethernet ports. The speed measured directly on the router can never exceed 1Gb.

      • carl_pearce's avatar
        Community elder

        WareingR wrote:

        I have a hub 4 in modem mode. It is connected to an Asus router with a 2.5GB ethernet port. The Hub 4 only has 1Gb ethernet ports. The speed measured directly on the router can never exceed 1Gb.

        VM don't define 1130Mbps for modem mode. That's your choice.

        In router mode the HUB 4 is more than capable of supplying 1130Mbps to two or more devices at the same time, which is how it's advertised.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The Hub 4 has four 1Gb/s ports plus dual band Wi-Fi that is almost 4 Gb/s of connections.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Really VM didn't have to add 2.5Gb port to the hub 5 for 1Gb they don't care they know they can get away saying hub 4 is fine by wording it without saying it that many devices over many links can go over 1Gb and they don't care if you use modem mode they added it to stop people complaining how bad the router mode is and so people who go 1Gb with a hub 4 are stuck at 950Mb until VM can't get away with it by going 2Gb even then they likely try and get away saying hub 4 is fine which they will not get away with!

    So your stuck 1Gb to them is 1Gb port is 1Gb until they go faster so downgrade your speed if your not happy.

  • jbrennand's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    They advertise it thus, for the same reason you cant get one.. that is...  to manage their stock levels - so - the Hub5's are currently only being issued to new 1GB package customers.  This ought to change when stock levels improve.

  • hi i was just looking around the net and came across your post I have Volt Gig 1 and when i first got it my speed was always around 940Mbps now when you say take full advantage of my 2.5Gb router and home network are you just  connecting to the 2.5 port on the Hub 5 and expecting to see the 1130Mbps + on Speed test, if that's the case Like me I didn't Know that most Adapters are only 1Gig Max in Computers and 940Mbps is what you'll see to be able to get that 1130Mbps you will have to buy a 2.5 Adapter as i did then when connecting to the port on the hub you should then see those Speeds zoom past the 940, hope this helps .

    regards yelrats67