VM Deal and O2 Sim
Wonder if someone can help, I have spoken to different VM Staff on the phone and been told contradictory information.
Recently we renegotiated our deal with VM, was a bit if a saga and we had issues with being told incorrect information and prices. Eventually was resolved.
When speaking to each member of staff in this process I asked about the O2 sim we have and that it is due to expire on 6/1/24 and when it does if we can renegotiate with O2 without it affecting our VM deal. Two staff stated we could and the other staff member who eventually resolved our VM deal issues stated 'technically I have to make you aware you must remain on the O2 Ultimate sim but I'm aware other customers have been able to change their deal with O2 without it affecting the VM deal' (or words to that effect).
When we sign into O2 it states we can upgrade or change our sim. This would be ideal as we can reduce the price and also get new added benefits like Apple TV, Disney+, etc. All O2 do is refer you back to VM when you ask them about the impact changing the deal with them could have with VM.
However I cannot get a straight answer from VM about whether if we moved from the 'Unlimited' O2 sim if this in any way affects our new 18 month contract with VM.
Can any VM staff member clarify this for me?