moved O2 number to another provider, forgot my O2 account was linked to my Virgin Media cable contract
My O2 number was out of contract, so I moved the number to another much cheaper provider (half the price of O2 for more data once the promotional period is up, no mid-contract price increases, and the coverage is better). What I forgot was that my O2 account was linked to my Virgin Media account, and that the new contract I signed earlier this year for Virgin Media mentioned "VOLT", even though the contract was for cable only and didn't cover mobile.
Should I expect something to happen to my Virgin Media contract now, e.g. speed reduction or price increase (beyond the expected inflation+ increase)? Luckily Three now provide 5G in my area and I've got an unlimited SIM from Smarty in my router, in case Virgin Media decide to cut me off, but I'd prefer to stay with Virgin Media (apparently Virgin Media think I've been a customer since 2008 - I think I've actually had cable continuously for about 25 years).
Incidentally, Virgin Media have the wrong phone number for me at Account Details | Virgin Media - each time I try to fix it, it changes back to the wrong number when I reload the page, which is probably saving me from being overwhelmed by marketing calls.
Hey jpennycook,
Welcome back to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.
With your Virgin cable package, losing the O2 SIM won't affect your price or contract, however with this the speeds could get reduced down once the system recognises the O2 SIM has been cancelled, with this as well, the other benefits such as the free WIFI pods would also get removed with this, it also means when you next look to recontract, you would lose these benefits.