Mega Volt package - Son had O2 sim but has ported number to new provider
I was wondering if you could help me please?
My son activated the sim which came as part of my Mega Volt package. Unfortunately, the data was not enough for him and he kept exceeding the monthly limit. Therefore, he decided to port his number across to a new provider.
As a result, I received a text message as the Virgin Media account holder saying that because the number had been ported to a new provider, I would now lose my Volt benefits. I've tried contacting Virigin Media (via live chat) and O2 (via live chat and phone), but neither seem to be able to help me.
Is there any way I can get a new O2 sim tied to my Mega Volt package (which I'd happily pay the £5 per month for) rather than losing my Volt benefits?
I look forward to hearing from you.