Terrible customer service and second TV box deactivated
Yet another issue with my son's V6 box. Over the last couple of months it has been failing to record programmes with increasing regularity. When the programme fails to record if you try and play the recording it will come up with an error message that says the following -
Error playing recording
The TiVo box was not able to record this programme because there was no video signal on the channel. You may have been trying to record on a channel that you don't receive.
This is despite very much receiving the channel he was trying to record on. This happens on a variety of different channels and he has kept the failed recordings as evidence. Also a few months ago he got the green error screen saying there had been a 'serious error' and it took a few hours before it went away.
It seems to me that the V6 box is on it's last legs so as I am a paying customer I'd like for someone to come round and fix the issue. Thanks.
[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread]