Prime Video
Not sure the best place to post this, sorry.
Got a month's free Amazon Prime, but I'm not the person who's name the virgin media subscription is under.. But it's the same household, same TV.
Amazon knows I'm signed up to Prime (and logged in), the Virgin menus on our TV box remember I'm one of the options for who might be currently watching Prime video, but when I actually go in to the app through our box and try to watch something on Prime it just brings up the option to pay for a Prime subdcription.
What am I missing?
Thanks for coming back to us BB46, you would need to be logged into your Amazon Prime account. Do you know which account that you are currently logged into?
The profile within another persons login, would not be the same as using your actual Amazon login. Are you able to sign out of the Amazon Prime app on your TV using the settings icon at the bottom left of the page and scrolling to the bottom, then sign out and you should then be able to log in with your Amazon login.
Kind Regards,