Forum Discussion

NJ0Y's avatar
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3 years ago

BBC1 HD wrong regional news

Since Monday 6th February the BBC news at 18:30 is now the Northern Ireland news, not the Welsh news on BBC1 (101). 

The channel logo is still BBC1 Wales HD but the epg is showing “BBC Newsline” “local news from across Northern Ireland”. 

I’ve checked the epg for Sky and Freeview and it looks like the SD news has dropped, but they are getting the HD Welsh news. 

Any idea what has happened? I phoned customer service and confused one of their agents. 

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Are you based in England or Wales?

    Can you get the correct region on 863 & 864?

    • NJ0Y's avatar
      Joining in

      Based is Wales, what’s strange is I can see the correct Welsh play out at 22:35 in the EPG (BBC Wales Live) on 101, but the regional news before it is Northern Ireland and same again at 13:30 tomorrow (BBC Newsline) on 101 and again at 18:30 it’s Newsline. 

      It’s a strange mix of Welsh regional play out and then Northern Ireland regional news..

      863 is BBC1 Northern Ireland 

      864 is BBC1 Wales -> EPG shows the same as 101 

      • NJ0Y's avatar
        Joining in

        Ok so this looks like “only” an EPG issue and the correct News is played out. I had only seen it from a recording (which would be incorrect if the EPG is incorrect) and not live. Virgin media have been made aware and hopefully they’ll correct the EPG soon. 

  • I think Virgin Media wrong by having BBC1 London at 6.30pm on 101, as they already have BBC 1 London on 865. Which I think it’s stupid. I live outside Redhill Surrey and 10 minutes drive to Gatwick Airport, yet got London, that’s no good. I should have BBC 1 South East at 6.30pm. 
    don’t need to know about north London as it takes 2 hours to get to north London. Virgin media should change this system as Sky have in this area or mine to have south east news. What is the point having two bbc 1 London, 101 and in the 861 where they can easily put bbc south east on.