Forum Discussion

andysitton's avatar
On our wavelength
9 months ago

Receiving wrong regional news

I live in Lincoln. (LN6)

Lincoln is in the East Midlands.

My V6 box is tuned to receive East Midlands regional programs

However, the East Midlands TV region does not include Lincoln.

The TV region that includes Lincoln is "BBC Yorks & Lincs".

How do I re-tune the box so that I get regional programming for my actual area?

  • andysitton's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Oh, forgot to mention also... Virgin Channel 159 regional program shows me "NOTTS TV". I do not live in Notts, I live in Lincs.

    It seems neither Virgin nor the BBC know where Lincoln is!

    • andysitton's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Y&L! Yorks & Lincs. How did I not spot that? Thanks so much. 🙂

  • andysitton's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Is anyone fron virgin going to explain why I am receiving NOTTS TV (ch 159) in Lincolnshire? I can send you a MAP if you like.

    • nodrogd's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      andysitton wrote:

      Is anyone fron virgin going to explain why I am receiving NOTTS TV (ch 159) in Lincolnshire? I can send you a MAP if you like.

      This is a map of Cable TV service regions:

      Virgin Region Map

      Lincoln is part of the Nottingham cable franchise area fed from the Nottingham cable headend (as a result of the way the country was divided up to make the most money out of selling cable franchises). All customers in a franchise area get the same channels on the same numbers, so you have no option but to get East Midlands programmes on 101 & 103 plus the local channel on 159. For the Yorks & Lincs overlap, additional region feeds are provided on 858 for BBC1 & 870 for ITV1.

    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey andysitton, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

      Are all the other channels working okay?

      Are you still getting your regional channels, fine? 

      • KnowledgeisP's avatar
        Just joined

        Good Morning,

        If I live in the PO22 postcode area, what BBC1 regional news will I receive by default on channel 101.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Fellow VIP nodrogd will know specifics, but being a cable platform, the BBC/ITV regions are dictated largely by the location of the regional head-end you're connected to.

    Alternate BBC/ITV regions are often available - as you've found - in the 85x slots. But I doubt that extends to the other regional TV franchises.

    • nodrogd's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      This is an interesting one, as Burnham/Bognor is a NexFibre XGS-PON build that is outside the existing cable franchises, so does not have to observe the rules controlling the TV regions provided in them.

      I would think, but cannot confirm that this would have the primary regions of BBC South, & ITV Meridian South.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    In the old days of cable franchises, each cable operator was required to broadcast a specific BBC regional service by the BBC regional offices based on the geographic area served by the franchisee. However these franchises became largely inapplicable ever since NTL bought Telewest to own all but two little franchises (and now there are no franchises remaining as VM is the UK's sole cableco), and now it's the BBC that determines which headends should broadcast which regional programming. As for Burnham/Bognor: were VM to start broadcasting there I'd expect BBC South to be chosen.

    • nodrogd's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Whilst VM still uses the RF systems associated with cable, the cable franchises still exist which VM has exclusive use of in the areas it operates.

      The same scenario operates with the Channel 3 licences, despite the fact that all but 4 of the 15 are now held by ITV.