Bad time to do it before the football, can't see your message at the moment because it's not been cleared.
You could try turning off the 360/V6 with the switch on the back of the box, then on the 360/V6 box press and hold down both the power button and the + button at the same time.
Then turn on the box again whilst keeping hold of those buttons for a further 30 seconds.
The box should reboot, the power button will turn blue if it still thinks it's a V6 or white if the 360 update works, and it should reset and boot up normally.
Well you haven't missed any goals it's still 0-0.
If that doesn't work then you need to call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone to report a fault, or wait here for one of the forum team to pick this up which might be 2 to 3 day's.
When phoning choose the option to report a fault, then ignore all the options offered and you should then be placed into a queue to speak to someone.