5 months agoTuning in
Series Link issues
I had a new replacement box today but I am having problems setting series links with some programs. I can set some series links but for other programs I can only set to record an episode?
I had a new replacement box today but I am having problems setting series links with some programs. I can set some series links but for other programs I can only set to record an episode?
can you provide examples?
Coronation Street, Joan
If pressing Record and selecting Record series isn't working I would try using the Advanced options and select the ' New only episodes ' or ' Fom this episode onwards ' option.
Sorted via another visit by a technician. Thanks all
What did the tech do to resolve this?
The answer may help others resolve a similar issue - and help us regulars advise others.
Unsure what was done with box but we had a new outside cable