Arthurlarkin wrote:
I have the V6 box, and I am on skysports football
You've posted in the 360 forum. and in your first messagee on this topic you said that, 'the blue bar comes up at the bottom, and I press the three dots, contextual information button, and nothing happens'
Going by the above then you do have a 360 box and not a V6 (you may have previously had a V6 box that was upgraded to TV360, hence it is now a 360 box which runs the Horizon software and not the older Tivo which is on the V6 boxes)
If you have either the Tivo or V6 then after presssing the red button you should then press the i for info button and then select the match you want to see.
Anyone using the 360 should press red button and then the context (3 dots) menu button - this however will fail if the 360 isn't connected to the internet.