Poor service, again!!
Received an email from VM saying N--f--x wouldn't be available on one (or more) of my 3 tv boxes (2x Tivo, 1x V6) and to click on a link to their website to arrange upgrades. I checked link was legit, clicked on link to only have option of using their robot. This couldn't recognise what I was asking. Finally got through to a human who arranged for an Engineer to call round, they didn't arrive. Back on phone to VM, agent advised no appointment had been arranged, the phone then went quiet, after further 5 mins I hung up. Phoned again, got through to another agent who I really don't believe they understood what they were talking about. Appeared I would receive 1 new tv box in the post/by courier which I would have to install myself! Today, received a tm from +447860064961 asking me to accept an engineer calling in few days time and to send a reply. I have no way of confirming if this number is legit. Every time I have to deal with VM I spend (waste) so much time, really poor service.