MA3/14/11 error while upgrading to 360
I started the upgrade and within seconds I received the error MA3/14/11.
I have rebooted the box by turning off/on. I also did that while holding the power and + button. It completed its checks and still have the error MA3/14/11.
I have a V6 box. Thanks for any help to complete upgrade.
Hi red999doc
The MA codes are due to a settings issue at the VM end. The software upgrade has been started but the billing system doesn’t know which account to tie your equipment to activate the box.
Have you tried holding the power and - (minus) well? Some people have had success with that method.
And a few other people with this type of error have managed to perform the update by either removing the box from the mains for five minues and trying again, or by deleting recordings to make more space and then trying again. (The migration process formats the hard drive and deletes all recordings anyway when it's successful)