20 days agoTuning in
I've messed up big time
I have just downgraded to V360 from my lovely Tivo boxes - why on earth did I do it? QUESTION - is there really no way to revert to Tivo? If not it's Freesat for me I think. If there is a workaround for my main issues please shout as I am probably stuck with this nonsense until October when contract up.
- My TV switches itself on several times a day and night when no one is even in the room with the TV. E.g. at 11.47pm last might I was in bed and heard the TV come on downstairs. I have to pull the power to the TV to stop it doing this
- I have set a few things to record as 'new only' and it is recording old episodes in the early hours
- I have looked and looked and I still can't find where to manage my series links - it is well hidden!
- We need subtitles in our house all the time. Is it me or are they bigger??? We like the simple subtitle button old old remote.
- New remote hard to use without looking at it. Old one had spaces between groups of buttons so you just new what to press without looking. This one is a block of aquare buttons. Need my glasses to work it.
- I couldn't find box sets until I read that to make them easier to find they are in Movies - really????
- When I look at movies etc to whatch in my package (previously 'on demand moves or boxsets' and so easy to find) they are now all mixed together with ones that need paying for.
All in all I hate it! I use firesticks for all streaming services. I just need a simple TV guide and the ability to record programs and series - just like Tivo did. I REALLY WANT IT BACK.