Forum Discussion

Brian6's avatar
On our wavelength
2 months ago

itv x fast forward

I have the Mega TV package but cannot fast forward on ITV X, is this normal?

  • You can only record ITV programmes from live broadcasts on 103, if you watch on catch-up it's not live and will connect you to ITV-X so if you have the mega package you can't fast forward it would seem, your best option would be to set a recording if it's something you know is coming on and want to watch, if it's something you have just seen on the TVGuide and have missed then the catch-up ITV-X option is the alternative with adverts and no fast forward, probably similar to other catch-up channels.

    I always set up recordings for programmes I know I want to watch rather than using catch-up, some channels have programmes showing catch-up but it disappears not long after the programme has finished.


  • I renewed in July and have the maxit package and just checked and can fast forward through the programme and adverts, looks like if you have the mega package you can't from this thread the Mod team posted a reply.


  • Brian6's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Have read online that having the Mega TV package I should be able to fast forward through adverts on programs recorded from ITV X but this doesn’t happen - should it, if so what do I do to make this happen? Thanks.

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Fast-forward through ads on ITV-X is provided on Maxit but not Mega. Where have you seen this suggested otherwise?

      The only way you'll get skippable ads on Mega's version of ITV-X is by paying ITV for their premium service. Or recording the programme you want to watch.

      Edited to add thanks to roy247 for pointing out the duplicate post which I've now merged together.