Is it me, is this equipment all crap?
The downstairs tv box has to be reset every week.
The wifi is appalling. The range is beyond a joke. Fast if you a foot away, but dare to be more than 5 meters away and nothing. Change the WIFI box as it wouldn't connect to the tv box, the new one does but the range is beyond crap. It may well be cheaper than sky and the internet maybe faster if you are a foot away from the hub, but it doesn't cover the house at all. Have to say, very disappointed. May well scrap it at the end of the contract as this equipment is the worst ive ever had.
Tommos wrote:The wifi is appalling. The range is beyond a joke. Fast if you a foot away, but dare to be more than 5 meters away and nothing.
If two devices are that close, you really should be using Ethernet unless it's across an open room!
Using wireless does open you upto in-home radio issues, interference and other factors.