Forum Discussion

CamiVM's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

Extra Box - No Coaxial cable needed?

I have 2 existing 360 TV boxes, and want to add a 3rd one (all in separate rooms).

Have spoken to 2 different costumer support reps today, and both told me no engineer visit would be needed to place coaxial cable, that WiFi/Ethernet would be enough.

I find this really strange, as always assumed for Live TV a coaxial cable is needed?

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    You're right, they're wrong.

    WiFi/Ethernet provides the internet connection for OnDemand, streaming & various updates.

    Co-ax provides the live TV feed.

  • Unless things have changed you can't have 3 x 360 boxes, people who had 3 x V6 boxes were allowed to keep them if they migrated from V6 to 360 and may have needed an engineer if memory remembers correctly.

    The 360 is designed to have one main / master box with the hard drive and one additional mini box without the hard drive.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    That, Roy, is a very good point and one I missed. It's been a while since this subject came up, but I'm pretty sure that's still correct.

    CamiVM- When you say you have 2 existing 360s, is that one master and one mini? Or two masters (if you migrated from V6)?

    • CamiVM's avatar
      Tuning in

      From what costumer support told me earlier on, I have one master and one mini - even though they look the same and can record locally on both?

      • roy247's avatar

        If you spoke to the offshore support I would definitely ask for a manned installation because they will be thinking of a stream box which doesn't need a coax cable but  you can't have a stream box with 360 or V6.

        The mini box is half the height of the main box.


  • Manned installation it is!! 👍🏻

    One more question: walls of the room where the new box will be installed only have studs at the moment, no insulation or plasterboards yet - should I get Virgin to setup the coaxial cable now so I can hide it, or wait until after it’s plastered?

    • roy247's avatar

      If you have either 2 x V6 converted boxes or a 360 and a mini box I doubt if they will install a third box which is why I suggested a manned installation just incase you got sent a stream box which can't be on the same account as 360 the stream is only available for broadband customers. (The offshore team seem to mix up the mini box and stream box).

      You could always put some trunking in and a drawstring but if it's an external wall and you can get a third box which I doubt the cable could be split externally and run round the outside.

      It might be worth just asking for a manned installation and see what the engineer says because if it's a stream box then it's not going anywhere, if they are prepared to add a mini box then he should be able to suggest the best solution that you agree to.

      Edited to say that if you did have 3 boxes it would definitely need an engineer to check your signal levels and adjusted in the street cabinet and balance the signal between the boxes.