Forum Discussion

Barbraella's avatar
9 months ago

Cannot select a recording

I had a new 360 box installed a week ago...getting used to it now, but suddenly, when I go to my recorded programms I cannot scroll up or down to select a certain program I want to watch...very strange, as the up and down on the ok button works on other things.

Any help would be much appreciated... I just want to pick out a programe I have recorded to watch.

Also, on Tivo, if you deleted a programme you could go to 'hiccups' to retrieve that on this 360 box ?

I will not be here for the rest  of today as hospital appointments.

Many thanks




  • roy247's avatar
    9 months ago

    Hi Barbara,

    I am in Germany at the moment so from memory press the Home button and go to System and scroll down to Factory reset then select the keep recordings option as previously posted, you will need to sign in again to your apps as previously stated.

    This has fixed similar remote problems for me in past.


  • Don't know about the scrolling, but the undelete functionality is not available on the 360, it's one of the many features that are missing compared to the V6\TiVo.

    Some of the missing features are as follows; Wishlists (where you can set the box to record programs on certain subjects or featuring certain people), undelete, series link+, series link manager, suggestions, setting of series links for programs not in the current TV guide, recoding hiccups list (that tells you why a recording failed), ethernet control, keyboard support via USB, switching between tuners with constant buffering, skip-back on fast-forward, quickplay, default recording options, cancelling individual recordings from a series link, multi-channel series links, radio channels allowing recording of radio, separation of recordings between boxes, watching recordings when internet is not available and probably a few others I've forgotten.

    Also, extra boxes do not have their own hard disks or tuners (unless converted from a V6 box), so you lose storage space and recording ability and are also reliant on the main box being on to watch and set recordings and also on having a decent wi-fi signal (or ethernet cable) between the two boxes when watching recordings.

  • I would try resetting the box from past experience.

    It's only a partial system reset and not a complete factory reset. You are given 2 options,

    Keep Recordings
    Format Disk

    Choose Keep Recordings, that means you won't lose your recordings and any planned recordings or series links you've set up, but you will have to sign into your apps such as iPlayer, Prime, Netflix and ITVX again, also Match frame rate and Standby power consumption will go back to their default settings if you have changed them.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Barbraella wrote:

    Also, on Tivo, if you deleted a programme you could go to 'hiccups' to retrieve that on this 360 box ?

    TV360 is fundamentally not TiVo, it runs Horizon software instead. There is no undelete function on Horizon/TV360.

    • Barbraella's avatar

      VIP thank you for your reply...but is this Horizon you mentioned the same as the Post Office Horizon  that caused so much trouble ???????

  • Thank you everyne so much....I was told this was an upgrade, the latest....what a load of rubbish I havebeen given... would it be possible to get the tivo box back ??

    Your opinions and help are very much appreciated.... so I cannot see anythng that I have recorded.. when I want to see it.

    Think I will have to leave virgin if this continous. no point in recoding if I cannot view them !


    • roy247's avatar

      You can't swap back to a TiVo box once you have made the change.

      If you do the factory reset that should cure your remote problem, just remember to select the keep recordings option.


    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Barbraella wrote:

      I was told this was an upgrade, the latest....... would it be possible to get the tivo box back ??


      A conversion from TiVo/V6 to TV360 is 100% voluntary, but also a one-way trip that doesn't come with any "change of mind" option. There's plenty of past posts on this forum discussing the relative pros & cons of each platform, while VM's marketers are always likely to call anything newer, an "upgrade".

      And no, Horizon in this context means Liberty Global's (VM's parent company) in-house STB software - nothing to do with the Post Office software.

  • Hi Roy...

    I have made phone calls...can maybe let you know further information soon re V6 box

    ...with this 360 do I do a factory reset ?

    Thank you.

    • roy247's avatar

      Hi Barbara,

      I am in Germany at the moment so from memory press the Home button and go to System and scroll down to Factory reset then select the keep recordings option as previously posted, you will need to sign in again to your apps as previously stated.

      This has fixed similar remote problems for me in past.


  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi Barbara

    To factory reset go to Settings (the cog at the end of the Home menu) > System > Factory Reset. It's actually misnamed and only a partial system reset and not a complete factory reset. You are given 2 options

    Keep Recordings
    Format Disk

    Choose Keep Recordings, that means you won't lose your recordings and any planned recordings or series links you've set up. You will have to sign into your apps such as iPlayer, Prime, Netflix and ITVX again. Also Match frame rate and Standby power consumption will go back to their default settings if you have changed them.