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DixyD's avatar
Joining in
26 days ago

360 questions

Good morning everyone, firstly please forgive me for jumping in with my question but it is related to the above (I think) in some ways.

I have just renewed my contract and am very happy with the package and price I have been given.  Additionally, at my request, I have asked for an ‘upgrade’ to 360; this is being provided free of charge and is due to be carried out in 2 days time by an engineer, however, having researched/browsed through the comments on this upgrade I am not sure it is an upgrade and am considering cancelling it.

My set up at the moment is 3 V6 boxes providing a multi room network.  With the proposed ‘update’ I understand that the engineer will update the software on the 3 V6 boxes I have therefore in practice I have 3 boxes each with a hard drive.  At the moment, if I have a problem with a box, I can move one of the other boxes to enable me to continue to watch tv without any problems.  Also, at the moment I can view my recordings stored on any of the hard drives/boxes in any of the rooms via a Wi-Fi link. My questions are:

  1. On the 360 system, are recordings stored on local hard drives or remotely in ‘a cloud’?
  2. If stored on a local hard drive, are all the hard drives on my network used/accessible, or is one box the master which stores all the recordings and the others ‘slaves’?
  3. Is it necessary to have a Wi-Fi connection to view all recordings?  If so, if I have problems with my broadband will I lose my ability to watch my recordings?
  4. Will I still be able to move the boxes around if required/necessary?

I can see that an advantage of the 360 system has some positives but I am not sure these are enough to outweigh the flexibilities I have with the current set up.  Any thoughts/advice or help would be much appreciated.  Obviously, I can cancel the upgrade to 360 at the moment.

Thanks in advance.


  • Further to my input above, I have just cancelled my upgrade, please disregard my questions.  Thanks .

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Instead of adding to an existing post, it's usually better just to start a new one. That's been done for you now.

    TV360 records on your local hard drives, but does fundamentally revolve around a central recording pool. You tend to have one central master box which does all the recording, but additional multiroom boxes are minis without hard drive. If you convert multiple V6, then you get multiple master boxes as mitigation, but recordings will always default to the one central box unless you alter this on individual recordings via the advanced settings.

    Whilst recordings are on your TV360 hard drive, the indexing for them is centrally managed at VM's head-end - thus if your broadband is unavailable, there is always a risk that you can only continue watching any recordings you've started, and not start any new ones.

    You can physically move TV360 boxes in exactly the same way as you can move V6 boxes around - it's the software that's different, not the hardware.

    Once you've requested a migration, you'll receive the remotes in "a few days" and then have a short time to manually instigate the conversion before it's done automatically. Normally once requested via CS, the process can't be stopped.

  • Good day, “DixyD”. This is Roger123 contacting you from *Wormwood Scrubs prison laundry! Must be quick as Virgin Media WILL charge me EXTRA (-special in my case!)! Are you the fabulous ‘Geordie', the one and only Dixy Dean in ‘disguise’? I LOVE football so we can play in the prison yard! For my many *'sins', have been a ‘Gunner’ for 73 plus years and I am the oldest inmate still left!

    Now to the ‘nitty-gritty’. From ‘bitter’ experience, I do not think you will get a REPLY from Virgin Media this Century! Sir Keir will have long been ‘buried' (no, not at Highgate Cemetery like the former RMT and ASLEF General-Secretaries - bit too common!) but, of course, in ('fit for heroes') Westminster Abbey, why not? Anyway, hope you get a good laugh over this news!