360 questions
Good morning everyone, firstly please forgive me for jumping in with my question but it is related to the above (I think) in some ways.
I have just renewed my contract and am very happy with the package and price I have been given. Additionally, at my request, I have asked for an ‘upgrade’ to 360; this is being provided free of charge and is due to be carried out in 2 days time by an engineer, however, having researched/browsed through the comments on this upgrade I am not sure it is an upgrade and am considering cancelling it.
My set up at the moment is 3 V6 boxes providing a multi room network. With the proposed ‘update’ I understand that the engineer will update the software on the 3 V6 boxes I have therefore in practice I have 3 boxes each with a hard drive. At the moment, if I have a problem with a box, I can move one of the other boxes to enable me to continue to watch tv without any problems. Also, at the moment I can view my recordings stored on any of the hard drives/boxes in any of the rooms via a Wi-Fi link. My questions are:
- On the 360 system, are recordings stored on local hard drives or remotely in ‘a cloud’?
- If stored on a local hard drive, are all the hard drives on my network used/accessible, or is one box the master which stores all the recordings and the others ‘slaves’?
- Is it necessary to have a Wi-Fi connection to view all recordings? If so, if I have problems with my broadband will I lose my ability to watch my recordings?
- Will I still be able to move the boxes around if required/necessary?
I can see that an advantage of the 360 system has some positives but I am not sure these are enough to outweigh the flexibilities I have with the current set up. Any thoughts/advice or help would be much appreciated. Obviously, I can cancel the upgrade to 360 at the moment.
Thanks in advance.