Forum Discussion

Melkor's avatar
Just joined
2 years ago

360 Guide

Hi all,

Just got Virgin TV the other day, but I've a couple of questions.

Is there a way to make the guide only show the channels I can watch? I notice that the TV Go app lets you do this, does the guide on the box not?

Is there a way to change the timescale on the guide, so you can zoom in and out to see more/less? I've had a freeview box in the past that allowed this. I thought this would do it too.



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    If you mean, can you exclude unsubscribed channels from the listings, then no you can't - this is as much a "shop window" for channels you don't have, as a guide for those you do.

    The closest you can get on TV360 is to create a profile, containing whatever channels you want included.

  • Hi Melkor,

    The other question that usually gets asked is how do I get to the top of the TV guide, you can either use voice control and say "top" or press 1 when looking at the guide.