deehar wrote:
I upgraded my virgin tv box. to the 360 a few months ago after the message about Sky sports +, for the second time since upgrading, the box has frozen on a message, couldn't do anything with the remote to get rid of the press any button to remove message, so I did a reboot which sorted out the freeze
If the remote appears to have stopped working wiggle it a few times. You should also make sure that the Power Saving mode setting is on Fast Start.
but yet again it has totally wiped all my recordings, but hasn't removed the recordings from the second box, any ideas?
Did you migrate two V6 boxes to the 360 platform, and hence have two 360 boxes with hard drives?
On the box that has lost recordings, what happens if you pause a live program for a couple of minutes and then press Play? If that doesn't work as intended it would point to a faulty hard disk so the box would need replacing.
If it is a faulty hard disk I suggest making all recordings on the second box until you get the faulty box swapped out.
You can fine tune the recordings between boxes by clicking on the red Record button, then on the next screen click Advanced Options, then on the next screen click on Choose TV Box, then select the box, then click on Record. That program will then be recorded on that box going forward, even if the default recording box is one of the others.
When setting up a new series link go to Advanced and select which box you want the recording to be made on. It will then be recorded on that box going forward. If though you've already got a series link set up for a particular program and want to change it so it will record on the other box then you need to cancel that series link, and then set it up to record again, using the advanced options when you press record.