Forum Discussion

Mark1871's avatar
Dialled in
4 months ago

360. Cost and is it worth doing?

How much is a move to 360 and is it worth doing? Thanks. 

  • You can probably move to 360 for free but there are a lot of differences and opinions on if it's an upgrade.

    You lose a lot of the TiVo patented features (Tavis75) might post a list of the missing features, question is do you use all the missing features it's different software you can either get used to it or immediately hate it which I think some users have.

    Do a search on the forum there have been plenty of posts like yours, think about the features you use.


  • As mentioned the switch to VM 360 isn't necessarily an upgrade. It's different software which I feel is more aimed at streaming, which is where I see VM going in the future.

    If you are a Sky Sports customer and looking to make use of the Sky Sports+ service then it's a no brainier, absolutely switch.

    My advice though before you take the leap check out YouTube videos on VM360 and know exactly what you're letting yourself in for as once you switch there is no going back.

    For me personally I absolutely love it. Like I said, it's geared up for streaming, but you still have the recording function as a safety net. 

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      A few bits to add to the previous posts..

      Fundamentally TV360 is no more an upgrade to V6 than a move from Apple to Android is an upgrade - it's a migration to a completely different TV software platform. There are pros & cons both ways, and plenty of past posts on the same subject - one particular recent example is 


      HavencroftKev wrote:

      If you are a Sky Sports customer and looking to make use of the Sky Sports+ service then it's a no brainier, absolutely switch.

      Is a valid point, if you want the Sky Sports HD multiscreen now - VM have confirmed it's being developed for V6, but has no timescale.

      The headline view is that the V6 is an excellent recording product with a good streaming service added. TV360 comes from the opposite direction, with online being first and recording added retrospectively.

      Do your research - migrations are voluntary but also one-way.

  • we moved to vm for phone and bb then got tv 360 and it bests even better than talktalk old tv side when the did it in house

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Hosay299 wrote:

      we moved to vm for phone and bb then got tv 360 and it bests even better than talktalk old tv side when the did it in house

      Very interesting, but I'm not sure how this helps the OP who wants to compare TiVo-software on a V6 with Horizon-software on a TV360.

  • Mr_K's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    Don't do it or be dazzled by words like 'upgrade'. Its the opposite. 

    • roy247's avatar

      Why don't you just say what you don't like about 360 compared to the V6 so any advice you give can be related to specific problems compared between 360 !and V6 TiVo.


      • Mr_K's avatar
        Knows their stuff

        Just a few if the missing features on the 360:-

        • Wishlists 
        • undelete
        • series link+
        • series link manager
        • suggestions
        • skip-back on fast-forward
        • quickview
        • default recording options
        • cancelling individual recordings from a series link
        • multi-channel series links
        •  allowing recording of radio
        • separation of recordings between boxes
        • watching recordings when internet is not available 

        How can losing so much functionality be an 'upgrade'?

        This is about saving VM money on Tivo licences, so only 'upgrading' their profits. 

  • I received a free upgrade last week. New remote arrived during the week and finally upgraded today.

    Regret doing so.

  • Just had the email about upgrading for free but after reading this thread I don't think I'll bother.

    Is it all the content streamed with 360? I have to connect my existing box to the internet via a TP Link plugged in to the mains circuit as the wifi signal from the router is rubbish unless you are a few feet from it (I'm on volt500 and the speed in my livingroom is usually between 15 and 25mbps - if I leave the door open). Even then the wifi connection will randomly drop out and requires the extenders to be restarted. 

    • nodrogd's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Is it all the content streamed with 360? 

      The live channels work the same as TiVO, but only the channel you are watching buffers. The hub connection is essential, as the Horizon server at VMs end controls all your recordings & playback streaming capabilities.

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Consider a move from TiVo/V6 > TV360 more of a migration to different software, than necessarily an upgrade - very similar to a move between Android <--> Apple.

      As mentioned, the connectivity is identical, so if you already have a V6, nothing changes there. If you have a TiVo, there are some subtle differences on the internet side - but this is because of the box hardware not the software.

      TiVo & V6 boxes run the same software, TV360 & V6 use the same hardware thus connectivity. Thus another good option if you have a TiVo, is to upgrade to a V6 and retain the option of later migrating the software to TV360. If you already have a V6, then do your research on the SW diffferences.

      • colintrundle's avatar
        Tuning in

        it's certainly not an upgrade, if anything it's a backward step as I'd lose some of the functionality with series links amongst other things that I currently have and if the broadband goes down (which in my case it does regularly) you can't watch recorded programs which I do mostly.

  • Virgin are trying to get people to switch to the 360. Virgin will not let you go back to the V6. That should tell you everything you need to know ;-)

    Given that all recent televisions/phones/tablets etc will let you connect to streaming services directly the 360 doesn't really offer you anything you don't already have. The V6, with its superior TiVo firmware, has many useful recording features (including those listed above by Mr_K) that you will lose when you (inevitably are forced to) switch to 360.

    • japitts's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      the 360 doesn't really offer you anything you don't already have

      That's not strictly true - it does offer additional streaming apps that will never be available on the V6. Paramount, Disney & DAZN are the obvious ones.

      Migrations are voluntary, but they are a one-way-trip. That's always been the case.

    • Roger_Gooner's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      You cannot compare streaming services with VM, a Pay TV provider, whose V6 and 360 STBs provide far more functionality than mere streamers. These boxes deliver a big range of broadcast TV channels (which are all recordable) as well as VOD by both 3rd party apps and VM's own VOD servers.