My biggest regret is allowing Virgin to swap me to the new 360 box with a mini box for upstairs. They're the biggest pieces of junk I've ever had or used.
Everything you want to do takes far more button presses & searching even with the voice search (which is the only improvement in my eyes).
If a recording is accidently deleted or you simply decide you want to watch it again at a later date, forget recovering it as it's not possible to undelete, the option simply doesn't exist.
Forget about having the option of switching between 6 tuners & rewinding them via the buffers because there is no such thing on the 360 box, that was a feature we used a great deal of the time, especially to avoid the need to record overlapping shows in order to avoid filling the hard drive, and good for avoiding adverts (most likely reason it was removed from 360).
If I hit record on a show or film that's already started (even if only 1 second ago) it fails to record the last 25 to 40 minutes (depends on length of show/film), and that still happens even if I add extra time on to the recording option when hitting record, even tried adding 1hr on but still fails to record end of show/film.
Even the TV Guide is horrible to look at no matter what settings you have for it, it just seems awkward due to previous shows being pushed onto the start (left side) of the guide & kind off forces you to scan around the screen more to see what's on, certainly not as tidy as the V6 was.
Searching through shows etc for other episodes & streaming content is like pulling teeth, even with the voice search it still involves multiple button presses & trawling all over the place to get to what you want, and don't get me started on the faffing around with waiting for streaming services to load, creating accounts for everything under the sun, then more selections to make & button pressing just to leave the app.
You get 1 hard drive to record to even if you pay for extra boxes, this limits your capacity unlike with the TIVO & V6, it also means that you have to leave the main box FULLY powered on when you wish to watch recordings via the additional box, otherwise the recordings aren't available.
These are just some of the downsides of the utter trash 360 boxes, and that's despite recent so called software upgrades. Had I known how rubbish & awkward they were to have & use when renewing I would've point blank refused them & if told I had no option would've very happily gone back to SkyQ even though that has a fair few issues it now wipes the floor with Virgins 360, now that could never be said of the TIVO or V6 which were both spot on.
I've ranted way more than I should need to & have forced myself to stop because believe me I could go on. The main thing to take from this though is, DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR TIVO or V6 BOXES.