Forum Discussion

Roseyhue's avatar
On our wavelength
4 months ago

360 box lost all my recordings?

Friday 8th November we switched on the 360 system only to find that it seemed to start some sort of software update which took ages and when it finished we had lost all our TV programme recordings.  The Apps didn't work for a while either.  Its almost as if it did a factory reset!!!  Did you do a software update?  We switch off all the TV kit and V6 box every night so we are used to the normal restart process, but this was excessive.

  • Version 5.14 is currently being rolled out, I am still on Version 5.13, if you go to Settings, Info you will see what version software your box is running.

    A software update shouldn't delete your recordings or planned recordings. It's best to leave the box and hub switched on at the mains socket and not turned off so the box can do any updates overnight, if you have the 360 box set to active start that is the best compromise as it uses less electricity than fast start.

    A box that loses it's recordings is usually a sign of a faulty box. 


  • Mr_K's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    The boxes only become faulty when downgraded to 360. Strange that. 

  • Hi Roseyhue 

    Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community. Sorry to hear this.

    You've stated switched on, do you mean did the migration? If so, the migration from the V6 will lose any V6 recordings as it moves to 360. Best wishes.

    • Roseyhue's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi John_GS,

      Thanks for replying.  We migrated to 360 ages ago. Possibly a couple of years ago.  We switch the power off to the TV setup (ie TV and Virgin box) every night, and am aware that when we switch it on the next day that it has a boot up sequence and I guess, as has been suggested by Roy247 that it updated our software to 5.14.  We seem to be working OK at the moment.  It records and plays back, we can access the iPlayer App, its just that it lost all our past recordings etc and for a few hours the Apps didn't work.  Elsewhere on the Forum someone had something similar and wondered if they had too many recordings saved and the system wiped them.  I imagine that the Virgin box just stores links to the apps rather than storing the actual whole program, so I do wonder how many links the allocated memory space can accept?  100 saved programs or films?  256?

      Whatever the problem was I reckon that if its working now, don't mess with it!!!!  But by reporting it, perhaps the Virgin tech staff might work out what the bug was and fix it for next time.  What I do know is that we will not get our recordings back and we can't remember what the programs were called.  Perhaps I should write them down on a piece of paper in future each time we record a series etc.  Paper doesn't need rebooting!!!


      • John_GS's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Roseyhue 

        Thanks for coming back to the thread and clarifying. We're sorry to hear that the update seemingly caused this.

        Please do monitor it for us and keep us posted if you need further help.